[email protected] (Origins Media Haus, Eyal Sivan, Quill Inc.)
We are living through a period of unprecedented technological change, an era that has been dubbed the Fourth Industrial Revolution. Building upon the previous three, this current transformative era is marked by the convergence of advanced technologies, such as robotics, AI, IoT and blockchain, that together are reshaping both industries and society at large. Navigating all these changes can be a challenge; more and more, it feels like looking into the future offers nothing but a blur. But among the interconnections between these technological trends lies opportunity.
In this episode, Eyal sits down with Dr. Efi Pylarinou, renowned Fintech influencer and Co-author of Fast Future Blur, to discuss how this period of rapid digital transformation is shaping our future, including how business archetypes are evolving, the types of leaders we need and the crucial role of open standards.
Specifically they discuss: