Episode 2: Starbucks and Australians

JUL 1, 202045 MIN
The Squeeze with Genna and Zoe

Episode 2: Starbucks and Australians

JUL 1, 202045 MIN


We're back! After a brief three month Corona hiatus, Genna and Zoe are back, this time with, if it's even possible, worse audio quality. In the trunk of Zoe's Prius parked in the back of a windy and bird-ridden parking lot, we discuss our new listeners, James Charles, war, and the future of the podcast. EMAIL US: [email protected]  Here's Genna's picture of the Mad Max bird bath (hopefully this link works): https://photos.google.com/u/1/photo/AF1QipPHNFFUj1y3pfJirTLXSMr55FvDtRsi2BTr2B8w