<description>&lt;p&gt;Recorded two days after the election, this episode is raw, real, and occasionally incoherent in ways few other podcasts would dare to be. We're joined by our dear and delightful friend Tim Platt, whose debut comedy album Teeth Like Beak is now available on all platforms, to talk about a true straight classic: acoustic guitar covers. Was the guitar scene in the Barbie movie hack or revolutionary? Should Ben Folds be tried at the Hague? And finally: At what point does critiquing something by calling it straight lose its edge? When we say so, bitch. &lt;br&gt;&lt;br&gt;Listen to Tim's album here: https://timplatt1.bandcamp.com/album/teeth-like-beak&lt;br&gt;&lt;br&gt;STRAIGHTIOLAB MERCH: cottonbureau.com/people/straightiolab &lt;br&gt;&lt;br&gt;COME SEE US IN TORONTO ON 11/23: https://paradiseonbloor.com/special_events/6500/ &lt;br&gt;&lt;br&gt;SEE GEORGE AT JOE'S PUB IN NYC ON 11/14 and 11/25: https://publictheater.org/productions/joes-pub/2024/g/george-civeris/ &lt;br&gt;&lt;br&gt;SUBSCRIBE TO OUR PATREON at patreon.com/straightiolab for bonus episodes twice a month and don't forget to rate and review us on Apple Podcasts!&lt;/p&gt;&lt;p&gt;See &lt;a href="https://omnystudio.com/listener"&gt;omnystudio.com/listener&lt;/a&gt; for privacy information.&lt;/p&gt;</description>


Big Money Players Network and iHeartPodcasts

"Acoustic Covers" w/ Tim Platt

NOV 12, 202470 MIN

"Acoustic Covers" w/ Tim Platt

NOV 12, 202470 MIN


Recorded two days after the election, this episode is raw, real, and occasionally incoherent in ways few other podcasts would dare to be. We're joined by our dear and delightful friend Tim Platt, whose debut comedy album Teeth Like Beak is now available on all platforms, to talk about a true straight classic: acoustic guitar covers. Was the guitar scene in the Barbie movie hack or revolutionary? Should Ben Folds be tried at the Hague? And finally: At what point does critiquing something by calling it straight lose its edge? When we say so, bitch.

Listen to Tim's album here: https://timplatt1.bandcamp.com/album/teeth-like-beak

STRAIGHTIOLAB MERCH: cottonbureau.com/people/straightiolab

COME SEE US IN TORONTO ON 11/23: https://paradiseonbloor.com/special_events/6500/

SEE GEORGE AT JOE'S PUB IN NYC ON 11/14 and 11/25: https://publictheater.org/productions/joes-pub/2024/g/george-civeris/

SUBSCRIBE TO OUR PATREON at patreon.com/straightiolab for bonus episodes twice a month and don't forget to rate and review us on Apple Podcasts!

See omnystudio.com/listener for privacy information.