<description>&lt;p&gt;Janel faces sending her 10-year-old daughter back to a school during the coronavirus lockdown. A school whose initial hygiene plan wasn't exactly awesome. But with new information and perspective she happily walks her to school and even gets a second chance at a sweet moment she had missed last fall. &lt;/p&gt;</description>

Mom's Secret Fort

Janel Schermerhorn

Damp Cloth

MAY 6, 20207 MIN
Mom's Secret Fort

Damp Cloth

MAY 6, 20207 MIN


Janel faces sending her 10-year-old daughter back to a school during the coronavirus lockdown. A school whose initial hygiene plan wasn't exactly awesome. But with new information and perspective she happily walks her to school and even gets a second chance at a sweet moment she had missed last fall.