Disney & STCU Come to Agreements Regarding Furlough Period
APR 11, 202012 MIN
Disney & STCU Come to Agreements Regarding Furlough Period
APR 11, 202012 MIN
<p>We live in an uncertain time right now. The STCU represents over half of the workers and Cast Members at Walt Disney World and we've been waiting about a week for them to come to an agreement regarding the furlough period, beginning April 19, 2020 of non-essential workers at Walt Disney World. In this episode I outline every bullet point guarantee that has been agreed upon between Disney and the STCU. While no opening date has been determined and much still up in the air, I believe that the main benefit behind these agreements is a sense of security and control back in the hands of workers who didn't feel that yesterday. I hope everyone stays safe and healthy during this time. I wish yall love, and the hope that we can get back to our daily lives soon.</p>