Hospitality Revenue Management
Hospitality Revenue Management

Hospitality Revenue Management

Loren Gray & Lily Mockerman



ThinkUp presents practical and immediately applicable Hospitality Revenue Management best practices - including exercises that make it happen. Topics will include:

  • revenue management
  • profit optimization
  • sales, marketing and revenue convergence
  • total revenue management

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Recent Episodes

Hospitality Revenue Management Show 32
MAY 26, 2021
Hospitality Revenue Management Show 32
<p><b>Revenue Management – The Podcast </b></p> <p>Revenue Management From Both Sides Now </p> <p>Welcome to Hospitality Highlights! In this 32nd episode of the ThinkUp Podcast, host Lily Mockerman talks with Scott </p> <p>Bunce, the Chief Operating Officer for Cabins For You. We're a vacation rental company that focuses primarily on cabins, </p> <p>but we have 466 vacation rentals available now, from a one-bedroom vacation cabin, all the way up to lodges that sleep </p> <p>up to close to 60 people. </p> <p><b>Highlights from this episode</b></p> <p><b> Lily: </b><i>How do you approach Revenue Management differently from the way that you would approach it for a hotel? </i></p> <p><b>Scott: </b><i>All of the revenue management skills are translatable. For instance, when I think of a hotel, I think of the charges for a view, being on the top floor, something on a club floor, which is all good. But here's the difference. Vacation Rentals kind of explode in the attributes that you need to forecast. Number of bedrooms? in my world, it could be a one-bedroom all the way up to a 11-12 bedroom cabin. Booking windows are vastly different. The type of clientele is vastly different. In addition, the community is also a factor in figuring out demand. Then there's the view - the mountain? A white river? A lake? The Gulf of Mexico, woods, a meadow? At least 80 of our cabins have pools that are either in or next to a cabin. Hot Tubs are another big demand generator, as well as video games. So all of these things just explode the different possibilities of managing, forecasting and predicting rates going forward. </i></p> <p><b>Lily and Scott go on to discuss: </b></p> <ul><li>The disparity in technology and tools for the vacation rental industry </li><li>Tools such as Rev Max and Key Data, specifically for vacation rental companies </li><li>How Scott converts a booking on an OTA to a direct booking moving forward </li><li>How vacation rentals and hotels become part of the overall distribution landscape </li><li>Ways that vacation rental companies can move towards this commercial strategy approach </li><li>Tips for alternative accommodation providers or those who bridge the gap to a traditional hotelier as it relates </li><li>to distribution and revenue management</li><li> TO REACH SCOTT WITH QUESTIONS OR FOR ASSISTANCE</li><li> LinkedIn Cabins For You See cabins and deals on our Facebook page</li><li> FINAL NOTES FROM THINKUP</li><li> Read more articles on Hospitality Revenue Management on our ThinkUp Thought Leadership page. </li><li><b>Join us live </b>on <i>This Week in Hospitality Live Show</i>, which you can register for at For questions on this episode or any other revenue management related topics, you can send them to us at [email protected]. </li></ul> <p><br /></p>
25 MIN
Hospitality Revenue Management Show 31
MAY 14, 2021
Hospitality Revenue Management Show 31
<p>Bringing In New Business and Driving Direct Bookings With Meta</p> <p><b>Highlights from this episode</b></p> <p>Welcome to Hospitality Highlights! In this 31st episode of the ThinkUp Podcast, host Lily Mockerman talks with Dean Schmit, founder at Base Camp Meta and, where they provide help for staff suddenly responsible for running the property’s metasearch program, and educational content for digital agencies. Dean’s <b>Revenue Management – The Podcast </b></p> <p><b> Lily: </b><i>From my perspective, some hoteliers seem to think that working with a metasearch isn't about direct bookings. So </i></p> <p><i>that is essentially like working with another OTA and steering people away from direct bookings. </i></p> <p><b>Dean: </b><i>It really IS about direct bookings, and that is one of the core benefits of a better search program. When we talk about metasearch, it means that I've searched for something and I'm getting multiple results for the same search. So within hospitality, we're talking about different booking options for that hotel. I can go to, Expedia,, whatever the case would be, and aggregating it all into one place. So not only are we getting the direct booking, but we're getting the traffic coming directly from that site to our website. </i></p> <p><b>Lily and Dean go on to discuss: </b></p> <ul><li>The fundamental shift in remarketing and display advertising</li><li>How metasearch and revenue management are tied together</li><li>How hoteliers can move forward with metasearch without feeling like they have to add another full-time person</li><li>The simplest and most effective way to start getting involved in a metasearch strategy</li><li>The first three steps that people should take as they're diving into this world</li><li>TO REACH DEAN WITH QUESTIONS OR ASSISTANCE</li><li>You can visit Base Camp Meta, email [email protected], or contact him on LinkedIn. FINAL NOTES FROM THINKUP</li><li>Read more articles on Hospitality Revenue Management on our ThinkUp Thought Leadership page.</li><li><b>Join us live </b>on <i>This Week in Hospitality Live Show</i>, which you can register for at For questions on this episode or any other revenue management-related topics, you can send them to us at [email protected]. </li></ul> <p><br /></p> <p>specialty is running metasearch campaigns or helping to find the right vendor for your situation. </p>
44 MIN
Hospitality Revenue Management Show 30
APR 30, 2021
Hospitality Revenue Management Show 30
<p><b>Revenue Management – The Podcast </b></p> <p>Proactive Selling – What to Ask, When to Ask, and Why You Aren’t Getting a Response </p> <p><b>Highlights from this episode </b></p> <p><b>Lily: </b>I think many hotel sellers haven’t readily had the opportunity to be fully trained in business development as opposed to just relationship selling. What is the GitGo perspective about that process of new business development for hotels? </p> <p><b>Amy: </b>The difference between relationship selling and the proactive process is with the proactive approach, you’re reaching out to a customer before they probably even know they have a need, and the type of questions that you need to ask that customer are a little bit different. We train our clients which questions to ask and when. That's how we approach the proactive process, and how we train sellers, how we train our own team, and how we build our tools around and resources around this so that this can enable sellers to be more efficient at it and more productive. </p> <p><b>Lily and Amy go on to discuss: </b></p> <ul><li>Some reasons why the proactive process is so elusive to sellers </li><li>How to use tech and marketing collaboration to enable sellers to be more effective </li><li>The two sides to collaboration between marketing teams and sales </li><li>How to up level types of B2B marketing and communications </li><li>The best cadence and frequency for running great campaigns </li><li>Why companies aren’t getting responses from prospects when they reach out </li><li>Amy’s top 3 tips for sellers as they’re hunting for new business during this delicate recovery period. </li><li><b>TO REACH AMY WITH QUESTIONS OR ASSISTANCE </b></li><li>You can visit, email [email protected], or contact Amy on LinkedIn </li><li><b>FINAL NOTES FROM THINKUP </b></li><li>Read more articles on Hospitality Revenue Management on our ThinkUp Thought Leadership page. </li><li><b>Join us live </b>on <i>This Week in Hospitality Live Show</i>, which you can register for at For questions on this episode or any other revenue management related topics, you can send them to us at [email protected]. </li></ul> <p>Welcome to Hospitality Highlights! In this 30th episode of the ThinkUp Podcast, host Lily Mockerman talks with Amy </p> <p>Infante, CEO and founder of GitGo, which focuses on the Hospitality and travel industry, with product to help sales </p> <p>teams more easily convert business, email marketing campaigns designed for B2B marketing programs, and a new </p> <p>coaching programs just launched in 2020, designed for individuals or teams to relook at the way they’re doing things </p> <p>with an eye to innovation </p>
33 MIN
Hospitality Revenue Management Show 29
MAR 26, 2021
Hospitality Revenue Management Show 29
<p><b>Revenue Management – The Podcast </b></p> <p>How to Align Revenue Management, Sales and Marketing to Impact Guests </p> <p>Welcome to Hospitality Highlights! In this 29th episode of the ThinkUp Podcast, host Lily Mockerman talks with Eric </p> <p>Sutfin, CMO at Social Capital Agency (SoCap) and Kathryn Baker, founding partner of ThinkUp Enterprises and Vice </p> <p>President of Strategy at Total Customized Revenue Management (TCRM). </p> <p><b>ThinkUp Enterprises: </b></p> <p><b>SoCap: </b></p> <p><b>HIGHLIGHTS FROM THIS EPISODE </b></p> <p><b>Lily: </b>How have you seen COVID-19 impacting hoteliers, and specifically, how are they now having to adjust to meet customer demands? </p> <p><b>Kathryn: </b>Guests are now traveling more locally than they typically would. Hoteliers are trying to turn them into repeat customers and show them that this destination is worth coming back to. They can do that by really creating a unique local experience, focusing on all of the things that make that hotel, that area, that larger market special and unique. </p> <p><b>Eric: </b>Our friends went up to Aspen the other week. They had booked the skiing, the hotel, and a spa/hot springs experience in one package. The property provided an enhanced and elevated experience for my friend, and he loved that. He said, “Why aren't more doing this?” I think that's certainly a way to build deeper relationships with those local partners in your destination and share in that experience to elevate and add value for guests. </p> <p><b>Lily, Kathryn and Eric go on to discuss: </b></p> <ul><li>How you can bridge gaps for your guests and alleviate question marks and concerns about their stay at your property. </li><li>How the alignment of sales, marketing and revenue management impact consumers. </li><li>The difference in how to approach a commercial strategy versus an industry strategy. </li></ul> <p>ThinkUp is a commercial strategy consulting firm. We focus on standing out by cutting to the </p> <p>chase. We're here to give hotels true actionable guidelines to make a difference in their revenue and in their </p> <p>profitability. We focus on assessments, looking at every piece of the hotel – everything that touches revenue, any </p> <p>expenses that are related to those revenues, and maximizing all of them to get our clients on a more profitable path. </p> <p>We believe in increasing the social capital, the guest experience, and ADR of various international resorts, </p> <p>boutique hotels and hospitality brands. We do that by provoking truthful and authentic messages that really </p> <p>revolutionize how people are engaging, exploring and connecting with the industry today. As an agency, our main focus </p> <p>is really to be conversion oriented. And so we optimize the guest experience across whatever channel they touch </p> <p>through the micro moments that build customer satisfaction, add brand value, drive sales, and enrich customer data for </p> <p>the hotels we represent. </p> <p>• Kathryn’s and Eric’s top 3 tips, tactics or tools that hoteliers can implement today that will make a difference through this recovery. </p> <p><b>FINAL NOTES FROM KATHRYN </b></p> <p>You can visit We'd love to have the opportunity to talk with any property that feels like they might have some potential that they're not quite tapping into. </p> <p><b>FINAL NOTES FROM ERIC </b></p> <p>To reach Social Capital Agency, you can visit There we have a variety of great resources that we put out monthly for the hospitality industry, some really thought provoking and progressive ideas across the marketing sector for you to explore, to digest and to learn how you can implement them yourself. </p> <p><b>FINAL NOTES FROM THINKUP </b></p> <p>Read more articles on Hospitality Revenue Management on our ThinkUp Thought Leadership page. </p> <p><b>Join us live </b>on <i>This Week in Hospitality Live Show</i>, which you can register for at For questions on this episode or any other revenue management related topics, you can send them to us at [email protected]. </p>
41 MIN
Hospitality Revenue Management Show 28
MAR 19, 2021
Hospitality Revenue Management Show 28
<p><b>Revenue Management – The Podcast </b></p> <p>Welcome to Hospitality Highlights! In this 28th episode of the ThinkUp Podcast, host Lily Mockerman talks with Jenny</p> <p>Poff, owner of Presque Isle Designs, a boutique marketing and advertising agency based out of Erie, Pennsylvania. </p> <p>A Scientific Creative Approach To An Integrated Commercial Strategy</p> <p><b>Highlights from this episode</b></p> <p><b> Lily: </b>You mentioned having to really dig through data in your work with hospitality. What kinds of data did you look at to</p> <p>help drive the business objectives, and how did the customer profile data impact marketing strategies?</p> <p><b>Jenny: </b>We really dug into the data. I wanted to see what the average day was – their frequency rate, their booking window, where they were coming from, what kinds of people. We dove into this over 200,000-person database. Our goal was to uncover patterns in the guests’ purchasing and stay behavior. The result was a customer profile dashboard which broke it into buckets. I started filling the buckets with patterns, similar purchase behaviors. Now, what did we do with that data? What did that tell us? In the marketing side of things, it generated specific strategies.</p> <p><b>Lily and Jenny go on to discuss: </b></p> <ul><li>Jenny’s different approaches: a consultive and management approach; a scientific, creative approach; an intentional, data-driven approach.</li><li>The results achieved within the data-driven marketing approach.</li><li>Other changes Jenny implemented to help the marketing program in her hospitality role.</li><li>Jenny’s top 3 tips for revenue managers and marketers alike to embrace an integrated strategy .</li><li>For questions or to contact Jenny:</li><li> LinkedIn</li><li>Read more articles on Hospitality Revenue Management on our ThinkUp Thought Leadership page.</li><li><b>Join us live </b>on <i>This Week in Hospitality Live Show</i>, which you can register for at For questions on this episode or any other revenue management related topics, you can send them to us at [email protected]. </li></ul>
28 MIN