20 Bleeping 20
20 Bleeping 20

20 Bleeping 20

Alia Mahmud



Alia, working towards a Master's degree in social work, and Lauren, with a Doctorate in psychology, come together to discuss mental wellness tips during the time of coronavirus. Disclaimer: This does not substitute for therapy or other mental health treatment. If you are having a medical or psychiatric emergency, please call 911. If you are experiencing suicidal ideation, please call the National Suicide Hotline at 1-800-273-8255.

Recent Episodes

What the Bleep is Going On?
APR 1, 2020
What the Bleep is Going On?

Welcome to the first episode of 20 Bleeping 20. In this episode, we discuss what the bleep is going on right now in the world. It seems like the world has gone crazy - everything is shutting down, people are dying, and rampant cabin fever has set in all over the globe'. Why is this happening? What is so different about coronavirus? We discuss some basics about the virus and how we are responding, both as a global community and in the United States. We also discuss the concept of perspective and how it can help us cope with an over-whelming global crisis. Finally, we introduce the idea of radical acceptance, which will be covered in Episode 2.  

Alia, who is pursuing a Master's degree in Social Work, and Lauren, who has a Doctorate in Psychology, created 20 Bleeping 20 in the hopes of providing some mental health support to those staying home to save the world. 

Disclaimer: This podcast is NOT intended to be a replacement for therapy or mental health treatment. If you are having a medical or psychiatric emergency, please call 911. If you are experiencing suicidal ideation, please call the National Suicide Hotline at 1-800-273-8255. We are NOT medical professionals, please listen to your local health officials and doctors if their directions conflict with anything we have said. 

Sources used: 





34 MIN