Healthy, Wealthy, that's WHY's podcast with Dr Brian Polochick
Healthy, Wealthy, that's WHY's podcast with Dr Brian Polochick

Healthy, Wealthy, that's WHY's podcast with Dr Brian Polochick

Dr. Brian M Polochick



Discover what it takes to always get up more times than you have been knocked down. We discuss inspirational strategies to bridge the gap between true health and true wealth which is all driven by your WHY. Your WHY gives you the motivation to succeed, to push forward and to get er done. We must never forget that you have to invest in your health to make your body, mind and business more adaptable to whatever this world throws at us. Here at healthy, wealthy, that's WHY we make it easier for you by sharing stories of real life struggles and successes learned in life, and business from entrepreneurs, health professionals and regular people who have beat the odds and did it anyway.

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