<description>&lt;p&gt;Do you want to write better and secure apps? Do really want to understand how Security Rules work? Then tune into today's episode. David East will take you through the 101 of Security Rules and get you up to speed so you feel confident when writing your own. This is part one of a multi-part series all about Security and Firebase.&lt;/p&gt; &lt;ul&gt; &lt;li&gt;Reach out to David on Twitter →  &lt;a href= "https://goo.gle/3pPK58v"&gt;https://goo.gle/3pPK58v&lt;/a&gt;&lt;/li&gt; &lt;li&gt;Match blocks and the allow statement →  &lt;a href= "https://goo.gle/2WsPEzG"&gt;https://goo.gle/2WsPEzG&lt;/a&gt; &lt;/li&gt; &lt;/ul&gt; &lt;p&gt;&lt;strong&gt;Subscribe to Firebase → https://goo.gle/Firebase&lt;/strong&gt;&lt;/p&gt;</description>

The Firebase Podcast

The Firebase Podcast

15 minutes to learn Security Rules

JUL 27, 202115 MIN
The Firebase Podcast

15 minutes to learn Security Rules

JUL 27, 202115 MIN


Do you want to write better and secure apps? Do really want to understand how Security Rules work? Then tune into today's episode. David East will take you through the 101 of Security Rules and get you up to speed so you feel confident when writing your own. This is part one of a multi-part series all about Security and Firebase.

Subscribe to Firebase → https://goo.gle/Firebase