Episode 9: The Problem with JK Rowling and Hogwarts Houses

JUN 29, 202025 MIN
We Function Similarly: Enneagrams, Astrology, and Pop Culture

Episode 9: The Problem with JK Rowling and Hogwarts Houses

JUN 29, 202025 MIN


<p>Elizabeth and Brayden take a second to discuss the JK Rowling controversy and how it problematic artists affect how we consume art, and then breakdown characters from past episodes into Hogwarts houses.</p> <p>Redbubble:</p> <p>www.redbubble.com/people/onthevergepro/shop</p> <p>Better Authors than JKR to read:</p> <p>Follow Us:</p> <p>Twitter: @FunctionWe</p> <p>Instagram: @wefunctionsimilarlypod</p> <p>@brydnstllmn</p> <p>@elizabeth.g.muriel</p> <p>Sponsors:</p> <p>anchor.fm</p> <p>Music: https://www.purple-planet.com</p>