<description>&lt;p&gt;Welcome back!!! Long time no see… deep apologies but great news! We’re back! Kila &amp;amp; Chris have a guest cohost Darsi to help with the guest Steego Vibes. We talk about his Only Fans and the time h had to have surgery on his penis! Please send your sex story/advice letters to the email, DM or leave a voicemail &lt;a href="tel:470-589-9458"&gt;470-589-9458&lt;/a&gt; for your chance for it to be heard and responses to on the show. Don’t forget to rate, comment &amp;amp; subscribe! Use the hashtag #chatwithlemon and let us know your thoughts on the episode.&lt;/p&gt;&lt;p&gt;VM- sorry it was unclear the question was “what are women's standards for today day in age, the men are required to open the door and etc what are the standards for women?&lt;/p&gt;&lt;p&gt;Steego Vibes- 1steegovibes&lt;/p&gt;&lt;p&gt;LS- IG &amp;amp; Twitter @lemonsqueezepod&lt;/p&gt;&lt;p&gt;Email- lemonsqueezepod@gmail.com&lt;/p&gt;</description>

Lemon Squeeze Pod

Lemon Squeeze Pod

EP. 51 “OnlyFans Ft. Steego Vibes”

AUG 11, 202275 MIN
Lemon Squeeze Pod

EP. 51 “OnlyFans Ft. Steego Vibes”

AUG 11, 202275 MIN


<p>Welcome back!!! Long time no see… deep apologies but great news! We’re back! Kila &amp; Chris have a guest cohost Darsi to help with the guest Steego Vibes. We talk about his Only Fans and the time h had to have surgery on his penis! Please send your sex story/advice letters to the email, DM or leave a voicemail <a href="tel:470-589-9458">470-589-9458</a> for your chance for it to be heard and responses to on the show. Don’t forget to rate, comment &amp; subscribe! Use the hashtag #chatwithlemon and let us know your thoughts on the episode.</p><p>VM- sorry it was unclear the question was “what are women's standards for today day in age, the men are required to open the door and etc what are the standards for women?</p><p>Steego Vibes- 1steegovibes</p><p>LS- IG &amp; Twitter @lemonsqueezepod</p><p>Email- [email protected]</p>