This episode is where we meet at the intersection of You & Leadership! I introduce you to 8 strategies to discover and rediscover the leader within you. Join me on another eposide of Coaching, Cocktails, & Conversations with Lolita E. Walker.
In this episode:
- Minute 0.12: Welcome to CC&C
- Minute 0.50: Diving into Leadereship
- Minute 1.29: What are leader taps and gaps?
- Minute 2.19: Leader Taps: Tips, Anecdotes, Plans and Strategies
- Minute 11.24: Knowing your strengths
- Minute 12.00: Difference between Plans and Strategies
- Minute 13.13: Leader Gaps: Goals, Actions, Perspectives, and Skills
- Minute 24.44: Wrapping it all up
- Minute 26.53: See you next episode and thanks so much for stopping by
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