Dan Dworkis, MD PhD FACEP is the Chief Medical Officer at the Mission Critical Team Institute, a board-certified emergency physician, and an assistant professor of emergency medicine at the Keck School of Medicine of USC where he works at LAC+USC. He performed his emergency medicine residency with Harvard Medical School at the Harvard Affiliated Emergency Medicine Residency at Massachusetts General Hospital / Brigham Health, and holds an MD and PhD in molecular medicine from the Boston Univer...

Leading the Rounds

Caleb Sokolowski & Peter Dimitrion

The Stress Resistant Leader with Dr. Daniel Dworkis

AUG 22, 202242 MIN
Leading the Rounds

The Stress Resistant Leader with Dr. Daniel Dworkis

AUG 22, 202242 MIN


Dan Dworkis, MD PhD FACEP is the Chief Medical Officer at the Mission Critical Team Institute, a board-certified emergency physician, and an assistant professor of emergency medicine at the Keck School of Medicine of USC where he works at LAC+USC. He performed his emergency medicine residency with Harvard Medical School at the Harvard Affiliated Emergency Medicine Residency at Massachusetts General Hospital / Brigham Health, and holds an MD and PhD in molecular medicine from the Boston University School of Medicine. Dr. Dworkis is the founder of The  Emergency Mind Podcast , and the author of The Emergency Mind: Wiring Your Brain for Performance Under Pressure. 

Questions We Asked: 

  • Why did you feel the need to create The Emergency Mind? 
  • Is poise under pressure a learned skill or innate? 
  • What are valuable skills you have learned creating The Emergency Mind? 
  • How does someone successfully improve through a performance loop? 
  • What are ways to decrease stress while performing procedures? 
  • How does the Emergency Mind address team dynamics? 
  • How do you build a well functioning solid team?
  • How do you run a successful debrief?  
  • Advice for medical leaders under pressure? 
  • Book Suggestions? 

Quotes & Ideas: 

  • Applying knowledge under pressure is a separate learned skill 
  • What happens when you are trying to intubate a patient and miss the first time? How do you recover and make the second attempt? 
  • Prepare-> Perform-> Recover-> Evolve 
  • “Create an environment that sets you up for success” 
  • Experiment and be a scientist of yourself: Build->measure->learn 
  • Exposing yourself to stressful scenarios outside of the hospital can help you build skills to help clinically 
  • Use self-talk to help yourself manage acute stress 
  • When debriefing, learn to separate outcome from performance. You can sometimes have a poor outcome with perfect performance and also a good outcome with poor performance. 
  • Debriefs can use outcome vs. performance on a 2x2 matrix. 
  • Never Waste Suffering. Both ours as providers and the patients. 
  • Harness the wisdom in the room around you 
  • Practice when you are outside of pressure and then slowly introduce it to stressful situations 

Book Suggestions: 

  • Thinking Fast and Slow by Daniel 
  • Sources of Power by Gary Klein 
    • “A Failure to Disagree” paper by both 
  • Ghosts of the Fireground by Peter Leschak