Raising Expectations with Pastor Joe Schofield, Stefanie and Dr Craig Thayer, Dr Paul Hall, and Ron Greer
With Guest, Elizabeth Wong Ahlers, PhD Candidate for CA 25 State Senate Seat on The California Comeback!
Elizabeth Wong Ahlers, PhD Candidate for CA 25 State Senate Seat “Raising Expectations” Elizabeth will be with us again this week as she enters the final days before the election! As you probably know, Elizabeth is a woman of great Faith in Jesus as is her husband Ron and family! We have been praying and promoting her as God directs her campaign and gives her continued wisdom and leadership each day! Elizabeth is dedicated to help make “California Comeback” a reality. She is committed to leading Californians back to spiritual, moral, educational, financial and lawful common sense- a “Beacon” for the entire nation. (Love-Lives-Liberty- Law)
Elizabeth is dedicated to help make “California Comeback” a reality. She is committed to leading Californians back to spiritual, moral, educational, financial and lawful common sense- a “Beacon” for the entire nation.
(Love-Lives-Liberty- Law)
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