Let’s LOOK together:
John 10:1-16
V. 1-5: Shepherd
Follow because they know his voice – we must spend time with Jesus to know his voice
Jesus leads them – he never asks anything of us that he hasn’t done himself (John 13)
V. 6-10: Gate
Back then sometimes the shepherd laid across the sheep pen at the gate. (https://ourdailybread.org/article/jesus-said-i-am-the-gate/) He was protecting his flock and only allowing in who and what he deemed best for them.
He also lets them out to find safe pasture and abundant life
Zoe life vs physical life (Empowered notes – Lori Varnell)
V. 11-13: Good Shepherd
Sacrifices life for the sheep. He’s willing to give everything.
V. 14-16: Good Shepherd
He knows his sheep intimately
We can know him “just as my Father knows me and I know the Father.” Wow!
Bringing everyone together (us!) under him.
Prayer–Take time to sit quietly with God, pray, and worship him.
Let’s LOOK:
L - John 6:32-40 & 47-51
O - Bread - back then it was more nourishing. Think of the artisan and whole grain breads today. Interesting to note that many cultures have a bread type food as a main staple of their culture: bread, tortillas, pasta, fry bread…
O - Prayer….
K - Spend time with Jesus today. Don’t let Satan trick you into thinking you’re too busy to spend time with Jesus. You’re too busy NOT to spend time with him.
So often we feel as if we're walking in darkness. In John 1 Jesus is described as the "true light" who gives light to everyone. Then throughout the rest of John, we see Jesus live out what it means to "be the light." In this episode, learn