Smiling Conscious Traveller
Smiling Conscious Traveller

Smiling Conscious Traveller

Otmar Braunecker



Smile, breathe and be present that's what it's all about. Explore together with me the world and its miracles through the focused lens of your conscious presence. With this podcast, the "Smiling Conscious Traveller", I want to change the world. My intention is to show you how to find love, peace, and freedom. I will invite great personalities from all around the world. Come with me on the journey of your lifetime. Subscribe for the latest news and updates

Recent Episodes

How to have genuine relationships with people and animals, and live a life full of energy (with Owen Fox)
SEP 23, 2020
How to have genuine relationships with people and animals, and live a life full of energy (with Owen Fox)

My guest today is Owen Fox from Ireland.

Let me introduce him to you with his own words:

Hi, my name is Owen fox. I'm a unique human and Divine Being just like you. My passion and purpose is to live a life of innate freedom which is our natural right, and of holistic wellbeing and high frequency, getting and making the most out of life, living from my authentic Self and Heart, and helping others do the same. This involves healing, empowerment, self-love and self-care, reprogramming and seeing/living the truth, letting go of what limits and blocks us, especially our perceptions, beliefs, unhealthy holistic habits and choices, and learning to connect more with Nature and our True Divine Self and intuition.  This also involves genuine deep honesty with ourselves as our "ego" or programming will want to defend, justify and argue with this!!! Ha. I'm also on my surface very humorous, silly, light-hearted and a nature-loving outdoors type of person. I've been told I wear my heart on my sleeve, and what you see is what you get. I'm simple like a cat that way, I don't pretend or wear facades. I'm just like anyone else and don't pretend to be better or special as I know we ALL are special.  I deeply adore and cherish all of nature, both Mother Earth Gaia herself, and all her elements and Beings, animals, plants, insects and humans also. The sun is my strongest element connection and I've even been told I'm a Sun Being in a multidimensional self. I can't say how much I love and feel so close to animals and I even love insects! I'm very outward to other humans and love to play and engage in life in the moment. Deep down I am very "serious"/focused about my spirituality which means my energy, my evolution and my overall consciousness and where I am at in life and if and how I am being honest with myself and others, as well as where I can improve. Living a life of causing as little harm to other people, animals or Gaia is deeply important to me. A life of integrity.  My work strongly also involves what some people call shadow work, or working with our pain body, basically facing and feeling and learning about our "dark" parts, such as heavy emotions and recovering from serious things like childhood trauma, severe abuse or neglect etc and how that still affects us in our life, relationships and health today.  I'm all about happiness and joy too and having good quality friends who uplift, nurture and support, the same with a relationship, and developing a deep-down connection with all of life. Feeling connected and part of is where my greatest joy comes from. Delicious energy sharing and energy exchange with other people and beings and nature.  Anyways, that's just off the top of my head! Wishing you a beautiful day and please feel welcome to join in and ask any questions freely 💗  Sincerely Owen

This is where you can find information about what Owen is doing:


102 MIN
How you can live a life in freedom right now (with Brian D. Ridgway)
AUG 22, 2020
How you can live a life in freedom right now (with Brian D. Ridgway)

What's going on in your life and what's going on in the world is not separate. It is the same. And when you notice what's going on in the world. And you say: "What can one person do? I don't want it this way. I prefer it that way. What can I do?" Notice that up until now you often stop short of that question. Today, right now you don't have to, you can respond differently than you ever have. You can respond differently than you have ever responded, today. You can take a deep breath.

Your kids are doing something, and you can scream at them. You can hit them. You can tell them how stupid they are. Or you can take a deep breath. And you can say: "Is this going to bring about what I want?" You can look out at the news about vaccines, and masks, and you can get pissed off and furious, and try to escape from it. Or you can say: "What response could I bring that would bring about more of what I want? What could I choose to respond with? If I breathe deeply enough, and I become present enough. I realise I was actually free the entire time. I am free to respond, no matter how it looks."

Brian D. Ridgway is a #1 International Bestselling author and founder of Level 5 Mentoring, known by tens of thousands of readers and clients in 84 countries as “The Spellbreaker”.

He helps people to go beyond solving their problems into what he calls Dissolving The Illusion of Problems – using a transformational approach he calls “Spellbreaking”. People who experience Spellbreaks report everything from epiphanies and breakthroughs to literal miracles.

Spellbreaking dissolves the frozen energies trapped in our mental, emotional and physical bodies simultaneously, creating instant, deep, lasting transformation – and is the key reason Brian is in demand with a rapidly growing global audience.

Get his free book here:

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If you want to work with Brian, go and check it out here:

And last, but not least Brian's FB fan page:

47 MIN