Brent Kercheville - West Palm Beach church of Christ on Haverhill Road
The teacher of Ecclesiastes is pursuing life attempting to answer the question found in Ecclesiastes 1:3. “What does a person gain for all his efforts that he labors at under the sun?” What do we have to show for all that we do in this life? Now the point of these studies is not to be depressed or demoralized by the teacher’s conclusions. Sometimes people read this book and find it to be empty and depressing. But the goal is that we will not waste our lives trying to find deep joy and lasting satisfaction in a world that was not built to satisfy. In our first lesson we saw that life is like circles. One day is like the next, one year is like the next, and one generation is like the next. In our second lesson we learned that life is crooked and it cannot be straightened. That is, you cannot get out of life what God not make life able to give. In Ecclesiastes 2 the teacher is going to explore areas in life where we try to find deep meaning and lasting satisfaction. As we come to Ecclesiastes 2:1 we see that the teacher is going to explore pleasure and see if he can achieve lasting satisfaction and deep joy can be found there…
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