<description>&lt;p&gt;&lt;a href='https://twitter.com/ejpritch?lang=en'&gt;Emily Pritchard&lt;/a&gt; is the CEO of &lt;a href='https://thesociallights.com/'&gt;The Social Lights. &lt;/a&gt;She tells her story of starting the business, what lessons she&amp;apos;s learned along the way as an entrepreneur, and discusses all things social media. &lt;br/&gt;&lt;br/&gt;The White on Rice podcast is hosted and produced by &lt;a href='https://www.instagram.com/chefyiavang/?hl=en'&gt;Yia Vang&lt;/a&gt; and &lt;a href='https://www.instagram.com/davidarthurc/?hl=en'&gt;David Crabb&lt;/a&gt;. For more information, please visit us at &lt;a href='https://www.whiteonricepodcast.com/'&gt;whiteonricepodcast.com.&lt;/a&gt;&lt;/p&gt;</description>

White on Rice

White on Rice

Emily Pritchard

APR 18, 202267 MIN
White on Rice

Emily Pritchard

APR 18, 202267 MIN


Emily Pritchard is the CEO of The Social Lights. She tells her story of starting the business, what lessons she's learned along the way as an entrepreneur, and discusses all things social media.

The White on Rice podcast is hosted and produced by Yia Vang and David Crabb. For more information, please visit us at whiteonricepodcast.com.