The Reload with Sean Hansen
The Reload with Sean Hansen

The Reload with Sean Hansen

Sean Hansen



A podcast for high performing leaders looking to optimize their leadership capacity while staying connected to the things that make their life worth living.

Recent Episodes

From Combat to Calm: Unpacking Anxiety and the Quest for Resilience - 199
APR 30, 2024
From Combat to Calm: Unpacking Anxiety and the Quest for Resilience - 199

Struggling with anxiety often feels like waging a silent battle, one that even high performers and seemingly unflappable individuals face. My own journey, from the frontlines of combat to the home front has taught me this lesson all too well. The intense interplay of anxiety and aggression, hidden beneath a veil of composure, can deeply affect personal and professional lives if left unchecked. Through vivid stories from my time in service and the struggles that followed, I offer a perspective that challenges the stoic facades many of us maintain and the resilience required to confront our inner turmoil.

Navigating the transition from military rigor to the civilian's more nuanced landscape has been a profound learning curve. In our latest episode, I recount a pivotal debrief with neurologists and psychologists that revealed the surprising levels of anxiety in my own life—a mirror to the experiences of many clients I've guided. Together, we explore the 'always on' mentality, its impact on our lives, and the subtle yet destructive patterns that emerge from unrecognized stress. By sharing my own battles with rigidity and dark thoughts, I hope to inspire a conversation about the power of resilience and the defining moments that can save us from the brink.

In the realm of conflict resolution and personal interactions, the signals we unconsciously project can shape the dynamics of our relationships and the energy we attract. I delve into the importance of body language, energetic boundaries, and the projection of our internal state onto the world around us. By examining how our behavior influences the conflicts we face and the partners we attract, this episode is an invitation to reflect and act upon the transformative potential of self-awareness. Join us as we tackle the daunting but essential task of breaking our own destructive cycles, finding peace within, and projecting a presence that aligns with who we truly aspire to be.

Are you an executive, entrepreneur, or combat veteran looking to overcome subconscious blind spots and limiting messaging to unlock your highest performance? Feel free to reach out to Sean at Reload Coaching and Consulting.

54 MIN
Upholding Your Values in the Face of Conflict - 198
APR 23, 2024
Upholding Your Values in the Face of Conflict - 198

When the sting of a workplace slight had me teetering between indignation and curiosity, I chose an unexpected path that led to harmony instead of havoc. Join me, Sean, as I recount this transformative experience and more, guiding you through the twists and turns of upholding integrity in challenging professional scenarios. We tackle the essence of 'playing your position' in life's grand game, emphasizing why it's vital to stay true to your course for personal and leadership growth. Along the way, we'll unravel the complexities of reciprocity, ponder over the role of regression in our development, and illuminate the nuances of mutual respect.

Navigating through the murky waters of professional relationships, we take a hard look at how to confront disrespect without sacrificing our composure or principles. By sharing my own narrative of conflict resolution, I aim to arm you with strategies for asserting your boundaries and maintaining a sterling reputation in your field. You'll discover the power of patience and seeking counsel when tensions rise, ensuring you emerge with your integrity intact. Whether you're a seasoned leader or forging your path, this episode promises to equip you with the wisdom to look out for one another and fortify your position amidst adversity.

Are you an executive, entrepreneur, or combat veteran looking to overcome subconscious blind spots and limiting messaging to unlock your highest performance? Feel free to reach out to Sean at Reload Coaching and Consulting.

24 MIN
When Bright Minds Fail to See Within - 197
APR 16, 2024
When Bright Minds Fail to See Within - 197

Have you ever met someone so brilliant yet so blind to their own shortcomings? Join me, Sean, as I reveal the paradox of smart leaders with low self-awareness. We often applaud those with the 'right answers' but overlook the critical skill of being open to other perspectives. Throughout my years as a performance coach, I've witnessed the brightest minds struggle with recognizing their own blind spots. This episode peels back the layers of irony, emphasizing the need for incorporating self-reflection and embracing failure into the leadership toolkit. We'll discuss how a balance between internal conviction and receptiveness to feedback can be the linchpin for personal and professional growth.

Reflecting upon a past rife with controlling tendencies, I share a personal story that opened my eyes to the subtle ways leaders can stifle their teams' development. We'll explore the transformative journey from unconscious habits to conscious change, both in personal relationships and team dynamics. It's not just about owning up to our mistakes; it's about reshaping our leadership approach to uplift those around us. As we narrate this intimate saga, witness the strength found in vulnerability, and the profound impact it can have on forging more conscious connections in every facet of life. Join us for this heartfelt exploration that promises to challenge your perceptions and inspire your evolution as a leader.

Are you an executive, entrepreneur, or combat veteran looking to overcome subconscious blind spots and limiting messaging to unlock your highest performance? Feel free to reach out to Sean at Reload Coaching and Consulting.

31 MIN
Navigating the Storm: Balancing Confidence and Feedback in Leadership - 195
APR 2, 2024
Navigating the Storm: Balancing Confidence and Feedback in Leadership - 195

As a leadership coach who's stood in the eye of many storms, I've learned a thing or two about the push and pull of confidence and doubt. On this episode of The Reload, join me, Sean, as we wade into the quagmire of balancing the quiet assurance of internal faith with the cacophony of external voices. We'll delve into the resilience required to maintain one's vision in the face of relentless questioning and the allure of social validation. With tales from the trenches and the wisdom of experience, we examine the strength derived from vulnerability, and why leaders who can admit they don't have all the answers often end up charting the most innovative paths forward.

Have you ever felt like a solitary lighthouse amidst a sea of conflicting opinions and advice? That's the conundrum we unravel as we discuss the fine line between personal conviction and openness to feedback, where one's own compass must remain steadfast even as waves of outside input crash against it. We talk about how to treat external feedback as mere data points rather than edicts, ensuring that your core principles aren’t swayed by every passing storm. It's a conversation about the courage to stand by your values, even when they lead you against the current, and the wisdom to listen, learn, and evolve from the diverse perspectives that surround us. No guests, just us – let's explore together the paradoxes and power of leadership.

Are you an executive, entrepreneur, or combat veteran looking to overcome subconscious blind spots and limiting messaging to unlock your highest performance? Feel free to reach out to Sean at Reload Coaching and Consulting.

26 MIN