<p>Dr. Gregg Frazer, dean of The Master’s University’s John P. Stead School of Humanities and author of “The Religious Beliefs of America&#39;s Founders,” explains that leading founders held to a belief system he calls “theistic rationalism.” What is theistic rationalism? Was America founded as a Christian nation? What impact do these questions have on us today? Frazer and host Dr. Bob Dickson explore the answers in the latest episode of The Art of Discernment. </p>
<p>The Art of Discernment is produced by The Master&#39;s University. New episodes are released every other Monday during the fall and spring semesters on TMU’s YouTube channel and wherever podcasts are found.  </p>
<p><strong>Learn more at</strong><a href="https://www.youtube.com/redirect?event=video_description&redir_token=QUFFLUhqbWFzQXZyQl84T2F1WFpFZlRlOWQzYktod0p2d3xBQ3Jtc0tuMVlRM0pMOUxaRzllWWJpajB5U0hnUzhKUk1SN2tWY3VoT1B1UndUNzFUX0pxc00yVi0wRnV5R1J0QWNnYXlEa0NOaWs5cXlGbDkzaVdmamM3LW1IRFZtTnNWelpxQ2U1VFBEd1FsR0dwbWpLN05DUQ&q=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.masters.edu%2Fdiscernment&v=x9BVa7XaXoA"> https://www.masters.edu/discernment</a></p>

The Art of Discernment

The Master's University

Ep. 23: What Did America’s Founders Believe?

FEB 12, 202436 MIN
The Art of Discernment

Ep. 23: What Did America’s Founders Believe?

FEB 12, 202436 MIN


<p>Dr. Gregg Frazer, dean of The Master’s University’s John P. Stead School of Humanities and author of “The Religious Beliefs of America&#39;s Founders,” explains that leading founders held to a belief system he calls “theistic rationalism.” What is theistic rationalism? Was America founded as a Christian nation? What impact do these questions have on us today? Frazer and host Dr. Bob Dickson explore the answers in the latest episode of The Art of Discernment. </p> <p><br></p> <p><br></p> <p>The Art of Discernment is produced by The Master&#39;s University. New episodes are released every other Monday during the fall and spring semesters on TMU’s YouTube channel and wherever podcasts are found.  </p> <p><strong>Learn more at</strong><a href="https://www.youtube.com/redirect?event=video_description&redir_token=QUFFLUhqbWFzQXZyQl84T2F1WFpFZlRlOWQzYktod0p2d3xBQ3Jtc0tuMVlRM0pMOUxaRzllWWJpajB5U0hnUzhKUk1SN2tWY3VoT1B1UndUNzFUX0pxc00yVi0wRnV5R1J0QWNnYXlEa0NOaWs5cXlGbDkzaVdmamM3LW1IRFZtTnNWelpxQ2U1VFBEd1FsR0dwbWpLN05DUQ&q=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.masters.edu%2Fdiscernment&v=x9BVa7XaXoA"> https://www.masters.edu/discernment</a></p> <p><br><br></p>