<p>Drs. John MacArthur and Ken Ham join The Art of Discernment to discuss the importance of biblical authority, particularly in Genesis 1-11. MacArthur, chancellor of The Master’s University and pastor of Grace Community Church, and Ham, Founder CEO of Answers in Genesis, discuss the attempts made by culture to undermine biblical authority and the need to hold an unwavering commitment to Scripture. They also address the necessity of equipping young believers with apologetics to answer skeptical questions, finding the right educational resources, and the crucial role of Christian higher education in training the next generation. </p>
<p>The Art of Discernment is produced by The Master&#39;s University. New episodes are released every other Monday during the fall and spring semesters on TMU&#39;s YouTube channel and wherever podcasts are found. </p>
<p><strong>Learn more at </strong><a href="https://www.youtube.com/redirect?event=video_description&redir_token=QUFFLUhqbS1mUEk1dHg4MWxtQW1yR05hSHZtM0NfX293UXxBQ3Jtc0tuZHh5S3ZtaXdlRDNjTExxMkM2ZktTTkpfZlVfZlczV25TanVRSWt2QjlaWVlDbGE0X0lFXzJJS0pqVk5BdmpKZEVHeHplUkxKXzN6eTFIQ1VKOWxUMDdSMmhfenM5ck9JcWc5SEkyTkkyaFFHNzBBcw&q=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.masters.edu%2Fdiscernment&v=x9BVa7XaXoA">https://www.masters.edu/discernment</a></p>

The Art of Discernment

The Master's University

Ep. 24: Biblical Authority with John MacArthur and Ken Ham

FEB 26, 202446 MIN
The Art of Discernment

Ep. 24: Biblical Authority with John MacArthur and Ken Ham

FEB 26, 202446 MIN


<p>Drs. John MacArthur and Ken Ham join The Art of Discernment to discuss the importance of biblical authority, particularly in Genesis 1-11. MacArthur, chancellor of The Master’s University and pastor of Grace Community Church, and Ham, Founder CEO of Answers in Genesis, discuss the attempts made by culture to undermine biblical authority and the need to hold an unwavering commitment to Scripture. They also address the necessity of equipping young believers with apologetics to answer skeptical questions, finding the right educational resources, and the crucial role of Christian higher education in training the next generation. </p> <p><br></p> <p><br></p> <p><br></p> <p>The Art of Discernment is produced by The Master&#39;s University. New episodes are released every other Monday during the fall and spring semesters on TMU&#39;s YouTube channel and wherever podcasts are found. </p> <p><strong>Learn more at </strong><a href="https://www.youtube.com/redirect?event=video_description&redir_token=QUFFLUhqbS1mUEk1dHg4MWxtQW1yR05hSHZtM0NfX293UXxBQ3Jtc0tuZHh5S3ZtaXdlRDNjTExxMkM2ZktTTkpfZlVfZlczV25TanVRSWt2QjlaWVlDbGE0X0lFXzJJS0pqVk5BdmpKZEVHeHplUkxKXzN6eTFIQ1VKOWxUMDdSMmhfenM5ck9JcWc5SEkyTkkyaFFHNzBBcw&q=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.masters.edu%2Fdiscernment&v=x9BVa7XaXoA">https://www.masters.edu/discernment</a></p>