Very Happy Stories
Very Happy Stories

Very Happy Stories

Liza Blas



Liza Blas is a storyteller and healing empowerment coach. Her kids struggled with complex conditions including anxiety, OCD, ADHD, and psychiatric disorders. Just when she thought life couldn’t get any harder, the universe dropped a big ole’ lemon on her when both her kids were diagnosed with Lyme disease. She healed her kids by healing herself first. Today, Liza shares her empowerment stories and mindset to inspire and uplift other moms going through these challenging times. She also interviews more storytellers and healers, providing hope and validation for us all. Let’s heal, one story at a time.

Recent Episodes

79: Unveiling The Quiet Epidemic: Interview with Co-Directors Lindsay Keys and Winslow Crane-Murdoch
MAY 16, 2023
79: Unveiling The Quiet Epidemic: Interview with Co-Directors Lindsay Keys and Winslow Crane-Murdoch
Unveiling The Quiet Epidemic, an Interview with Co-Directors Lindsay Keys and Winslow Crane-Murdoch  Does chronic Lyme really exist? And if it does, why is this illness so controversial? These questions only lead to more questions. Film-makers Lindsay Keys and Winslow Crane-Murdoch passionately set out to uncover the answers. The result? A brilliant and powerful film, The Quiet Epidemic. In this episode, Liza interviews co-directors Lindsay Keys and Winslow Crane-Murdoch to learn the back story on how and why they created this important documentary. Turns out, passion is one immense driving force to heal. Now, they’ve ignited a new movement to help others impacted by this debilitating illness known as chronic Lyme. Their film, The Quiet Epidemic, was just released on Apple TV, Prime Video, and Vimeo on Demand on May 16, 2023. Be part of this bold movement. Listen now to this inspiring interview to hear the real-life stories of hope and purpose driving the creation of this impactful film. About the film, The Quiet Epidemic After years of living with mysterious symptoms, a young girl from Brooklyn and a Duke University scientist are diagnosed with a disease said to not exist: Chronic Lyme disease. The Quiet Epidemic follows their search for answers, which lands them in the middle of a vicious medical debate. What begins as a patient story evolves into an investigation into the history of Lyme disease dating back to its discovery in 1975. A paper trail of scientific research and buried documents reveals why ticks—and the diseases they carry—have been allowed to quietly spread around the globe. CO-DIRECTORS’ ORIGIN STORY In 2015, each of us was forced to move home with our families in upstate New York due to Lyme disease. Upon learning we were filmmakers with Lyme, a nurse suggested we connect—so Lindsay wrote Winslow a note that was handed to him the next day. Thrust into the middle of a controversial medical mystery, we used our cameras to understand the disease that upended our lives. Seven years later, The Quiet Epidemic is the result. An estimated 500,000 people are infected with Lyme each year and 10-20% of them remain sick after treatment. Even still, Chronic Lyme is dismissed by mainstream medicine. We hope our film can awaken the public to this threat and re-engage the medical and scientific communities on finding answers for a disease that is as close as our own backyard. FILM DIRECTORS Lindsay Keys is a director, producer, cinematographer and photographer based in the desert outside of Los Angeles. She has shot still and motion content for clients ranging from Bernie Sanders to The Whitney Museum. Her photography has been exhibited internationally, published in The New York Times, Time Out Magazine, Interview Magazine, and auctioned at Christie’s. While attending Wesleyan University (‘11), Lindsay’s health began deteriorating with no explanation. Upon getting a diagnosis of Lyme disease in 2015, she began working on The Quiet Epidemic and spent the next seven years dedicated to its completion. This is her first feature film. Winslow Crane-Murdoch is a director, cinematographer and editor based in Portland, OR. Since graduating from Connecticut College in 2013 where he studied film, his work has taken him across the country and overseas. He made an episodic series about student loan debt, hiked and filmed a 3,000 km walk across New Zealand for Outside Television and has shot and directed for large brands and political campaigns. He was diagnosed with Lyme disease in 2015 and began working on The Quiet Epidemic shortly after. This is his first feature film. Vital Plan Herbs: My kids and I experience tremendous benefits from being on Vital Plan Herbs. With the help of Vital Plan I was able to get my kids off of antibiotic treatment. Moreover, the Mitochondrial Support continues to help us detox. If you would like to try Vital Plan please use our discount code for 15% savings. Our code is VERYHAPPY15. Click here to access the Vital Plan Shop by Dr. Bill Rawls. The products we are currently on include Immune Boost Bundle Herbs and Mitochondrial Support. Connect with Liza Online : Liza’s Personal and Group Coaching Liza on Instagram Liza on Facebook Subscribe to Liza’s Newsletter Very Happy Stories is Partners with the LymeLight Foundation The LymeLight Foundation is a charitable partner in the Lyme community that provides grants to enable eligible children and young adults with Lyme disease to receive proper treatment and medication as well as raising awareness about Lyme disease. LymeLight has awarded grants totalling over $7.7M to more than 1,000 individuals in 49 states. To donate directly toward LymeLight grants which help those struggling to receive treatment > click here to DONATE. To learn more about treatment grants > click here for GRANTS See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
45 MIN
78: The Science-Backed Power of Herbs, an Interview with Dr. Bill Rawls
MAY 2, 2023
78: The Science-Backed Power of Herbs, an Interview with Dr. Bill Rawls
Show us the science! It’s not a surprise that Liza and her family have experienced first had benefits of incorporating natural herbs into their lives. But how do we explain the actual science behind these significant wins? Thankfully, this is where Dr. Bill Rawls steps in. In this episode Dr. Rawls explains how our health is directly tied to the current health of our CELLS. Cellular health is one of the biggest factors in recovery and prevention of disease. Take notes because Dr. Rawls further explains the science behind how herbs fight Lyme disease, as well as other bacteria, viruses, and pathogens. As Liza shares the many changes and physical transformations she has seen in her children from herbal protocols and mitochondria support, Dr. Rawls explains the science behind how and why these transformations happen, including the ability to transition off long-term antibiotics. If you are ready to take control of your healing journey, listen to this empowering episode today. Bill Rawls is an OB-GYN and leading expert in Lyme disease, integrative health, and herbal medicine. In the middle of his successful medical career, Dr. Rawls’ life was interrupted by Lyme disease. As he struggled to overcome it, he explored nearly every treatment possible – from conventional medicine to a range of alternative therapies. In the process, Dr. Rawls discovered a dearth of knowledge about Lyme disease in the medical community, and a shocking amount of controversy and confusion around causes, diagnosis, and treatment that left thousands of patients confused, unsupported, and chronically ill. An avid reader and lifelong student, Dr. Rawls studied all of the research available on Lyme disease, and put everything he learned into practice in his own life. Ultimately, it was a combination of diet, lifestyle, and herbal therapy that resulted in his recovery. In the more than 10 years since, Dr. Rawls has helped thousands of patients find their path to healing from Lyme disease and chronic illness. He is the author of the best-selling book Unlocking Lyme, and the Medical Director of and Vital Plan, an online holistic health company and Certified B Corporation®. Vital Plan Herbs: My kids and I experience tremendous benefits from being on Vital Plan Herbs. With the help of Vital Plan I was able to get my kids off of antibiotic treatment. Moreover, the Mitochondrial Support continues to help us detox. If you would like to try Vital Plan please use our discount code for 15% savings. Our code is VERYHAPPY15. Click here to access the Vital Plan Shop by Dr. Bill Rawls. The products we are currently on include Immune Boost Bundle Herbs and Mitochondrial Support. Connect with Liza Online : Liza’s Personal and Group Coaching Liza on Instagram Liza on Facebook Subscribe to Liza’s Newsletter Very Happy Stories is Partners with the LymeLight Foundation The LymeLight Foundation is a charitable partner in the Lyme community that provides grants to enable eligible children and young adults with Lyme disease to receive proper treatment and medication as well as raising awareness about Lyme disease. LymeLight has awarded grants totalling over $7.7M to more than 1,000 individuals in 49 states. To donate directly toward LymeLight grants which help those struggling to receive treatment > click here to DONATE. To learn more about treatment grants > click here for GRANTS   See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
52 MIN
77: There’s Purpose Within Your Suffering, an Interview with Author, Bianca Michele
APR 18, 2023
77: There’s Purpose Within Your Suffering, an Interview with Author, Bianca Michele
What if all our suffering is actually happening for us? That’s the empowering message of Liza’s guest, Bianca Michele. Bianca suffered for six years battling chronic Lyme disease, mold, Mast Cell Activation Syndrome (MCAS), as well as Chronic Inflammatory Response Syndrome (CIRS), while her Australian doctors misdiagnosed her and called her a ‘mystery case.’ When we endure suffering, many of us ask ‘why me’. Today, Bianca shares her story, as well as the many lessons and modalities that helped her find the purpose within her own pain. To heal her body and her complex conditions, Bianca also began healing her nervous system, energy systems and her inner child. Her new book, It Happened for Me, is a #1 new release on Amazon. In it, Bianca shares her best lessons that shaped her empowering mindset, and she reveals a select few in this inspirational episode. While we may find ourselves kicking and screaming through this healing journey, ultimately the events in our lives happen for us. The good news? All the power to overcome is within ourselves. Bianca navigates us through her own healing journey and helps us break through the dark cycles so we can all heal. Meet Liza’s Guest, Bianca Michele I am an Australian Author, Speaker, The host of Bianca’s holistic way Podcast, Chronic illness Advocate, Health, mindset and reiki practitioner. My mission is to remind others of their innate inner power and the root causes of any imbalances in the mind body and soul.  Healing Chronic illness, my inner child, my mindset, healing my nervous system and all energy systems in my body all led me to live a life of abundance and now I want to share that with the world. I suffered 6 years of chronic illness, depression and anxiety, leading me down a path to remember who I was. I then became accredited in Holistic health and wellness, Reiki healing, and Energy psychology. I have also attended many chronic illness conferences and modalities to learn the extent of Lyme, mold, mast cell and Chronic inflammatory response syndrome, to add to my lived experience of healing my own mind, body and spirit. I think it is important to add education and a lived experience to be best able to guide others. I have now worked with many people who have expanded their lives by committing to themselves, some of which have gone from illness to helping others too. Grab Bianca Michele’s New Book, It Happened for Me on Amazon. It is a #1 New Release on Amazon. Get your copy here. Want a free gift from Bianca? THOSE WHO PURCHASE THE BOOK  IN THE FIRST WEEK ONLY, WILL RECEIVE A FREE BONUS WITH A FREE BOOKLET OF THE MODALITIES AND A VIDEO OF A RETRAINING EXERCISE! Send the receipt of your AMAZON purchase to [email protected] Vital Plan Herbs: My kids and I experience tremendous benefits from being on Vital Plan Herbs. With the help of Vital Plan I was able to get my kids off of antibiotic treatment. Moreover, the Mitochondrial Support continues to help us detox. If you would like to try Vital Plan please use our discount code for 15% savings. Our code is VERYHAPPY15. Click here to access the Vital Plan Shop by Dr. Bill Rawls. The products we are currently on include Immune Boost Bundle Herbs and Mitochondrial Support.  Connect with Liza Online : Liza’s Personal and Group Coaching Liza on Instagram Liza on Facebook Subscribe to Liza’s Newsletter Very Happy Stories is Partners with the LymeLight Foundation The LymeLight Foundation is a charitable partner in the Lyme community that provides grants to enable eligible children and young adults with Lyme disease to receive proper treatment and medication as well as raising awareness about Lyme disease. LymeLight has awarded grants totalling over $7.7M to more than 1,000 individuals in 49 states. To donate directly toward LymeLight grants which help those struggling to receive treatment > click here to DONATE. To learn more about treatment grants > click here for GRANTS See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
46 MIN
76: Everything Your Doctor Won’t Tell You About Autoimmune Illness, with Heather Gray, The Lyme Boss
APR 5, 2023
76: Everything Your Doctor Won’t Tell You About Autoimmune Illness, with Heather Gray, The Lyme Boss
Be prepared to get schooled! Do you want to learn the truth about autoimmune illnesses, including factors your doctor won’t tell you? The Lyme Boss herself, Heather Gray, is dropping knowledge on celiac disease and more including Hashimoto’s, endometriosis, parasites, and heavy metals, just to name a few. More importantly, learn how all these factors affect and co-exist with each other and how trauma and Lyme disease come into play. All the dots get connected in this revealing conversation. Heather Gray is a Functional Diagnostic Nutritionist Practitioner. She found this work after 27 years of undiagnosed Lyme Disease, Celiac Disease, Hashimoto's, and Endometriosis. She now has a practice where she teaches others how to take care of themselves and get the inflammation off their body and out of the brain. She gives you control over your health journey. Heather is commonly known as The Lyme Boss. Heather is a no-BS straight talker and won’t sugar-coat anything here. When it comes to healing, we all must be accountable and that includes life-style changes. This journey is not easy, but Heather motivates us to start exploring change. This interview is a guide to being empowered. Step one? Tune in. Consider this episode your hour-long health and healing consultation with the Lyme Boss herself. About Liza’s Guest Heather Gray is a Functional Diagnostic Nutritionist Practitioner. She found this work after 27 years of undiagnosed Lyme Disease, Celiac Disease, Hashimoto's, and Endometriosis. She was depressed, anxious, and in chronic widespread pain, bloated, constipated, exhausted, and weight gain, to name a few things. She set out on a path to healing. She has now lost over 100bs, her pain has lessened, no more suicidal thoughts, and has all-day energy. She now has a practice where she teaches others how to take care of themselves and get the inflammation off their body and brain. She gives you control over your health journey. Vital Plan Herbs: My kids and I experience tremendous benefits from being on Vital Plan Herbs. With the help of Vital Plan I was able to get my kids off of antibiotic treatment. Moreover, the Mitochondrial Support continues to help us detox. If you would like to try Vital Plan please use our discount code for 15% savings. Our code is VERYHAPPY15. Click here to access the Vital Plan Shop by Dr. Bill Rawls. The products we are currently on include Immune Boost Bundle Herbs and Mitochondrial Support. Connect with Liza Online : Liza’s Personal and Group Coaching Liza on Instagram Liza on Facebook Subscribe to Liza’s Newsletter Very Happy Stories is Partners with the LymeLight Foundation The LymeLight Foundation is a charitable partner in the Lyme community that provides grants to enable eligible children and young adults with Lyme disease to receive proper treatment and medication as well as raising awareness about Lyme disease. LymeLight has awarded grants totalling over $7.7M to more than 1,000 individuals in 49 states. To donate directly toward LymeLight grants which help those struggling to receive treatment > click here to DONATE. To learn more about treatment grants > click here for GRANTS See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
59 MIN
75: Healing My Own Child from Lyme and PANS – The Interview with My Daughter
MAR 22, 2023
75: Healing My Own Child from Lyme and PANS – The Interview with My Daughter
In this special episode, Liza shares details of her daughter’s story and how she healed her daughter (Ava) from Lyme, Tick-Borne Diseases and PANS (Pediatric Acute-onset Neuropsychiatric Syndrome) over the course of three years. Through this unique interview, Liza chronicles the many different phases of the journey, which first started with psychiatric presentations including anxiety, OCD and an eating disorder. Together, mother and daughter discuss the many different treatments Ava used to battle her every-changing conditions including chronic fatigue, psychosis, joint pain, and even seizure-like episodes. Some of the treatments they shed light on include partial hospitalization programs, family therapy, antibiotics, whole body hyperthermia, IVIG and herbal protocols. Listen to this story from the lens of the child too, as Ava shares the emotional strain of specific programs and the healing tools that worked best for her – the patient. Together, they share the good, the bad and the ugly. Ultimately, they share their Gratitude and their family’s very happy story. Vital Plan Herbs: In this episode, we testify to our personal benefits of being on Vital Plan Herbs. If you would like to try Vital Plan please use our discount code for 15% savings. Our code is VERYHAPPY15. Click here to access the Vital Plan Shop by Dr. Bill Rawls. The products we are currently on include Immune Boost Bundle Herbs and Mitochondrial Support. Connect with Liza Online: Liza’s Personal and Group Coaching - Liza on Instagram - Liza on FaceBook - Subscribe to Liza’s Newsletter – Grateful for our sponsor - Green Valley Nutrition Have you heard of all-natural CBD products by Green Valley Nutrition? This company was founded by an entrepreneur who overcame PANDAS. Get 20% off. Click the link below and use the code VERYHAPPY. Very Happy Stories is Partners with the LymeLight Foundation The LymeLight Foundation is a charitable partner in the Lyme community that provides grants to enable eligible children and young adults with Lyme disease to receive proper treatment and medication as well as raising awareness about Lyme disease. LymeLight has awarded grants totaling over $7.7M to more than 1,000 individuals in 49 states. To donate directly toward LymeLight grants which help those struggling to receive treatment > click here to DONATE. To learn more about treatment grants > click here for GRANTS See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
36 MIN