Emotionally Expensive

OCT 14, 202122 MIN
My Divine Life with Jameelah Divine

Emotionally Expensive

OCT 14, 202122 MIN


As we all continue on our divine transformation journeys, we are digging into a concept that I have been thinking about and honing in on for about a year. And as I’ve really broken it down for myself and of course compared it to interior design, it all clicked. So today’s episode is all about spending our emotions like money and I know I am guilty of overspending. 


Just like finances, we spend our emotions on relationships, social interactions, and scenarios. Eventually, you can go bankrupt and you cannot pour from an empty cup. Listen to hear an excerpt of some writing I have been doing that demonstrates my breaking point and my emotional debt. Find out how you can rebuild your emotional wealth and how to avoid people and relationships that are too expensive.

Show Notes:

[1:04] - Jameelah’s design business has been very intentional on the type of client she attracts. They focus on value.

[2:47] - The term expensive is defined as something that has high cost or sacrifice.

[4:03] - Most of us need to be conscious of what we spend our money and our time on.

[5:05] - Jameelah gives an example of a scenario that is emotionally expensive.

[6:14] - What about being in a relationship where reciprocity is non-existent?

[7:23] - Relationships don’t need so much work and sacrifice if they value you.

[8:16] - Anyone who requires you to show up as someone other than your true authentic self is too emotionally expensive.

[9:27] - When you overspend on one relationship, the ones who really need you suffer.

[11:38] - Everyone’s mental and emotional capacity is different so don’t compare.

[12:33] - Just like finances, you can go into emotional debt.

[14:01] - There are physical and behavioral consequences to emotional deficits.

[14:49] - Jameelah shares a written excerpt from a future book she is working on.

[17:12] - The excerpt demonstrates her emotional breaking point.

[18:36] - You cannot pour from an empty cup.

[19:49] - She could have stayed because she had rebuilt her emotional wealth, but leaving her marriage made her stronger. 

[21:03] - You have to know what you are willing to spend in each relationship and scenario.

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