S2 Ep10: Fantasy Football | S:2 Week 9 Fantasy Recap Week 10 Preview | Lights Out League
NOV 13, 202167 MIN
S2 Ep10: Fantasy Football | S:2 Week 9 Fantasy Recap Week 10 Preview | Lights Out League
NOV 13, 202167 MIN
<div>Rahian and P Break down an upset-filled week 9 and take a look at week 10 games. <br>
If you want to reach out to the pod:<br>
All music is produced by Infamy:<br>
<a href="http://www.infamysounds.com">www.infamysounds.com</a><br>
<a href="http://www.instagram.com/a.infamy">www.instagram.com/a.infamy</a><br>