In this enchanting holiday episode, Karina sits down with the legendary Neil Goldberg, creator of Cirque Dreams Holidaze, to discuss his journey of blending imagination, creativity, and festive spirit. Neil shares insights into his latest project, Pomp Snow and Circumstance, debuting this December at Orlando's Crayola Experience. The show brings a fresh twist on holiday magic, featuring dazzling visuals, whimsical storytelling, and RoboClaws—a high-tech, reimagined Santa designed to capture the hearts of tech-loving kids. From gingerbread houses flying through the air to performers swinging on wreaths, Neil’s artistic vision promises an unforgettable holiday treat for families everywhere. Tune in to hear Karina and Neil celebrate the wonder of Christmas and preview an experience that’s bound to be Orlando’s holiday hotspot this season.

Coffee with Karina

Karina Michel Feld

Season 5 Episode 9 - A Holiday Extravaganza with Broadway Director Neil Goldberg

DEC 11, 202429 MIN
Coffee with Karina

Season 5 Episode 9 - A Holiday Extravaganza with Broadway Director Neil Goldberg

DEC 11, 202429 MIN


In this enchanting holiday episode, Karina sits down with the legendary Neil Goldberg, creator of Cirque Dreams Holidaze, to discuss his journey of blending imagination, creativity, and festive spirit. Neil shares insights into his latest project, Pomp Snow and Circumstance, debuting this December at Orlando's Crayola Experience. The show brings a fresh twist on holiday magic, featuring dazzling visuals, whimsical storytelling, and RoboClaws—a high-tech, reimagined Santa designed to capture the hearts of tech-loving kids. From gingerbread houses flying through the air to performers swinging on wreaths, Neil’s artistic vision promises an unforgettable holiday treat for families everywhere. Tune in to hear Karina and Neil celebrate the wonder of Christmas and preview an experience that’s bound to be Orlando’s holiday hotspot this season.