PODCAST INTERNATIONAL Serie 2 #5 WorldWild Ana Margarida Forte with Angie Weinberger talking about mental health

JAN 4, 202121 MIN
Programa de Radio Internacional web, que dá voz a pessoas e a projectos com impacto positivo , AGORA

PODCAST INTERNATIONAL Serie 2 #5 WorldWild Ana Margarida Forte with Angie Weinberger talking about mental health

JAN 4, 202121 MIN


<p>Entrevista exclusiva #Internationalnetwork</p> <p>Ana Margarida Forte conversa com.....<strong>Angie Weinberger</strong></p> <p>NTERNATIONAL PODCAST<br> Worldwide guests<br> Interview in more than one language English, Spanish, Romanian, Polish, Icelandic and others<br> <br> Ana Margarida Forte with Angie Weinberger</p> <p>Vamos cruzar culturas e continentes! Entrevistas exclusivas!!!</p> <p><a href="https://globalpeopletransitions.com/become-a-reader-of-the-global-people-club-sandwich/" target="_blank">/</a><em><strong>Angie Weinberger</strong></em><em> has over a decade of experience in International Human Resources and is specialized in Global Mobility for Germany and Switzerland. Angie supports minority expats looking for income in the host country and those looking to build high-performing global virtual teams. Angie Weinberger became an Intercultural Executive Coach in 2010 by Dr. Eva Kinast and Drs. Boudewijn Vermeulen. In 2013 and 2015 she was certified as a Professional Certified Coach by the same coach educators. In 2018 she was certified as a seminar leader for group coaching according to the Boudewijn Vermeulen® method by Dr. Eva Kinast. Angie has been an licensed practitioner of Adapt &amp; Succeed Abroad since November 2020.<br> She has worked with over 250 coaching and consulting clients.&nbsp; She also has a background in systemic consulting and intercultural training.<br> Committed to bringing the Human Touch back to Global Mobility, Angie is the author of</em><a href="https://globalpeopletransitions.com/gcwb/" target="_blank"><em> ‘The Global Career Workbook’,</em></a><em> a self-help career guide for internationally mobile professionals and</em><a href="https://angieweinberger.ch/gmwb/" target="_blank"><em> ‘The Global Mobility Workbook’</em></a><em>. She is a recognized consultant and lecturer in Global Mobility and Intercultural Management.<br> <br> </em></p> <p>Twitter: <a href="https://twitter.com/AngieWeinberger" target="_blank">@AngieWeinberger</a></p> <p>Instagram: <a href="https://www.instagram.com/angie_weinberger/" target="_blank">Angie_Weinberger</a></p> <p>LinkedIn: <a href="https://www.linkedin.com/in/angelaweinberger/" target="_blank">Angie Weinberger</a></p> <p>Youtube: <a href="https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCzeyZRJ2sfOUMrAb0uSG2Xw/featured?view_as=subscriber" target="_blank">Angie Weinberger</a></p> <p>Facebook: <a href="https://www.facebook.com/Global.People.Transitions/" target="_blank">Global People Transitions</a><br> <br> <br> Internacional Radio Web Program, which gives voice to people and projects with positive impact, new ways of life and awareness, in all areas of life, in an integrative way<br> NOWss the site: https://www.programaagora.com<br> Follow us on Instagram! https://instagram.com/programa.agora<br> On Facebook<br> https://www.facebook.com/agorawebradio</p> <p>Presentation of the program now and its author, Ana Margarida Forte, High Performance Coach, Integrated Development Therapist, trainnerfacilitadira in several programs in companies and empowerment, self knowledge, leadership in its best version, in its achievements, focus and objectives in all sa living areas.<br> <br> https://www.facebook.com/agorawebradio</p>