The People Side of Banking, With Kareem Refaay of The London Institute of Banking & Finance

FEB 24, 202375 MIN
Digital Banking Podcast

The People Side of Banking, With Kareem Refaay of The London Institute of Banking & Finance

FEB 24, 202375 MIN


It’s easy to think of banking as a numbers industry. After all, that’s what a dollar is: a numerical representation of buying power. However, as our guest in this episode of The Digital Banking Podcast made clear, banking is really a people industry. It’s people working at financial institutions helping the people who bank there to better their financial lives.

In this episode of The Digital Banking Podcast, host Josh DeTar welcomed Kareem Refaay, the managing director of The London Institute of Banking & Finance. Refaay explored the similarities and differences between banking and finance in Europe and the U.S. He and DeTar discussed digital transformation, financial inclusion, and why problems with managing money should be defined as a disease.