Start a New Story - The Wisemen

DEC 29, 20237 MIN
The Thoughtful Spot

Start a New Story - The Wisemen

DEC 29, 20237 MIN


Welcome to The Thoughtful Spot - the podcast for women, wherever they are on their Christian journey, who are thoughtfully seeking God’s transforming power, who are striving to live as Christ wants them to everyday, and who want other Christian women to walk with them through life.  I’m your host Terri Hester.   Today, on the fifth episode of this series, I’m going to talk about the wise men and how they sought out a new story and then embraced and protected it for all of us.

Scripture Reference:

  • Matthew 2:1–12     (NLT)

Questions to Ponder:

  1.  Have you ever received a sign from God?
  2. Did you need help discerning what the sign meant or where it was leading you? Who did you ask?
  3. Are you seeking the story God has for you? Do you expect to find it?
  4. Do you like adventures? Or do you like to play it safe?
  5. What would it look like to seek a new story right now? Where would you look?
  6. What might have happened if the wisemen had not protected the story?
  7. Do you think it’s important to protect your story?
  8.  How might a new story, given to you by God, come under attack?
  9. How can celebrating the birth of Jesus change your life?
  10. Do you think the wise men were changed by their journey and their encounter with Jesus? How?

