Start a New Story - You and Me

JAN 6, 20246 MIN
The Thoughtful Spot

Start a New Story - You and Me

JAN 6, 20246 MIN


Welcome to The Thoughtful Spot - the podcast for women, wherever they are on their Christian journey, who are thoughtfully seeking God’s transforming power, who are striving to live as Christ wants them to everyday, and who want other Christian women to walk with them through life.  I’m your host Terri Hester.   Today, on the last episode of this series, I’m going to talk about how God might be inviting each of us to start a new story in our lives.

Scripture Reference:

  • 2 Corinthians 5:17  (NLT)

Questions to Ponder:

  1. We don’t have to look in the Scriptures to see examples of persons who have been given opportunities to start over with a new story. Can you think of anyone who is living a new story?
  2. How did their life change?
  3. Has God ever led you to begin a new story?
  4. What kind of change were you led to make?
  5. Have you ever prayed for a new story?
  6. How well did God’s timing align with yours?
  7. Have you ever been led to do something that seems impossible?
  8. If you said “yes,” did God provide you with what you needed?
  9. Has God ever called you to take a courageous step of faith?
  10. Did someone or something help you find the courage you needed?
  11. Have you ever felt like God had something new in mind for you that you should be looking for?
  12. Do you believe it is important for us to be seeking God’s plan for our lives? Why?
  13. Have you ever been given a dramatic new story to live? 
  14. Has a new story ever taken you someplace new?
  15. Have unforeseen circumstances ever caused you to start over with a new story. If so, did you sense God’s presence with you?
  16. What would it mean to “start over” in your calling? In your faith life? In relationships? Etc.

