#77 - Netflix and Chill

MAY 30, 202275 MIN
The Introvert Supercast

#77 - Netflix and Chill

MAY 30, 202275 MIN


<p>In this episode, the round table discussion focuses on what game film adaptation would we like to see. The What Are Ya Playin’ segment: Overwatch and The Wind Waker HD. This week’s news discussions: Sony Pictures confirms AAA game titles coming to Netflix and Amazon as film adaptations, Eldon Ring gets a stealth patch, Take-Two acquired Zynga, and more. As always, the Introverts return for some more video game discussions surrounding the PlayStation 5, Xbox Series X, Nintendo Switch, Valve’s Steam Box consoles, PC, and mobile devices.</p> <p>To contact the Introverts, email <a href="mailto:[email protected]"><u>[email protected]</u></a>.</p>