Ep - 45 How to Make Your Daughter’s Mind Work FOR Her Instead Against Her With 3 Simple Tips

JAN 14, 20249 MIN
Cultivating Resilient Teens Podcast

Ep - 45 How to Make Your Daughter’s Mind Work FOR Her Instead Against Her With 3 Simple Tips

JAN 14, 20249 MIN


Have you seen it yet? That moment when your daughter comes home from school after the long break and looks at you with wary eyes, a furrowed brow and lips that appear to be moving but she’s stumbling over her words and there’s no audible sound.

I feel like we’ve all been there. That moment in time where you want to clearly articulate the thoughts swirling around in your head and release the mixed emotions weighing you down, but the sense of overwhelm creates a frustrating mental block and prevents you from saying anything at all. 

The clients in my 90 Days to a More Resilient Teencoaching program are reporting that the all the big emotions, especially their mixed emotions about being back in school after a long break is causing them to grapple with their desire to see their friends and get back to a productive routine AND manage their long list of expectations, and the inevitable social uncertainties and ‘what ifs’. 

That’s why we’re going to talk about 3 simple tips that’ll make your daughter’s mind work FOR her instead of against her by dissolving her mental blocks, so she has the clarity she needs to walk confidently into her future. You’ll find the full episode and more resources for parenting your teenage daughter at cultivatingresilientteens.com

Here's to cultivating a more resilient teen for all of life's adventures!