Using Theatre to Make Growing Up Feel More Normal
Creativity Conversations with Narda Skov, episode 55. Narda is a Health Educator and Workshop Leader who has worked for the past twenty five years teaching, training and counseling youth and adults on issues of sexual and reproductive health.
Narda holds a Masters in Public Health from Columbia University. While in New York City she worked for over fifteen years with STAR Theatre and all of its programs. STAR Theatre was created by Dr. Cydelle Berlin, an internationally recognized expert in the field of sexuality. STAR Theatre is a multi-component theatre based health promotion and education program for young people, parents and providers.
Narda currently works at ETR, a health training company in Oakland California. She works with the California Department of Public Health and their Maternal, Child and Adolescent Division to train educators throughout the state of California.
She also has a personal consulting business for teaching middle and high school students about puberty, birth control, healthy relationships, body image, media influence pornography and peer pressure. Narda believes that teaching sexuality is often a difficult subject but goals are simple: We want our children to feel good about any of the decisions they make regarding their health. And to understand that sexuality is an integral and positive part of our lives and to develop healthy and positive feelings about their bodies.
To find out more about Narda, visit her website:
-About Creativity Conversations: we explore the nature of our infinite creative potential. You are creative, too, even if you don’t yet consider yourself to be. Creativity is as simple as being open and curious, creating interesting things, solving problems, finding solutions and being in the “flow”. It’s essence is always and everywhere the same.
- About Nina Lockwood: She is a transformative coach, author, speaker and artist who helps people live more fulfilling lives by being more creative, authentic and living life on their own terms.
- #ninalockwood #nardaskov #creativityconversations #growingup #healthychoices #bodyimage #peerpressure #reproductivehealth #STARtheatre #selfimage #EpisodeDropped #PodCreator #PodHelp #PodernFamily