Jesus Has Left the Building
Jesus Has Left the Building

Jesus Has Left the Building

Marta & Mandy



For way too long, Jesus, the radical revolutionary of the Gospels, has been held hostage by a domesticated, polite, and watered-down church. What does it mean to follow Jesus? How do we leave the comforts of our old and familiar church life and do the hard work that Jesus is calling us to do? How can we reclaim the identity of "Christian" as the revolutionary way of Jesus? In this podcast, Marta and Mandy explore these questions in order to help bring about God's kin-dom, on earth as it is in heaven.

Recent Episodes

Faith is Built on Three Legs
MAR 15, 2024
Faith is Built on Three Legs

Marta & Mandy chat with Reb Moti Reiber and Rev. Rachael Pryor of Kansas Interfaith Action (KIFA), a Kansas statewide, multi–faith issue–advocacy organization that “puts faith into action” by educating, engaging and advocating on behalf of people of faith and the public regarding critical social, economic, and climate justice issues.

We talk about the difference between politics and partisanship, about how progressives can get active in advocacy in Kansas and other states, and how faith is like a three-legged stool, with justice being an integral part of a personal and a communal faith life.

36 MIN
A Heartfelt Gift
MAR 8, 2024
A Heartfelt Gift

Marta and Mandy speak with Melissa St. Clair and Wendy Davidson of Heart of the Rockies Church in Ft. Collins, a church who is literally giving away their land in order to create intentional community with folks who are struggling to find homes as housing costs sky-rocket in northern Colorado. This is a story you don't want to miss.

28 MIN