Join Captain Dan Blanchard and Bill Panoff, a renowned travel expert and host of the Travel Series, Cruise and Travel. Bill, the publisher of Porthole Cruise and Travel Magazine and Chairman, brings  35 years of expertise in the cruise and travel industry to the conversation.In this captivating episode, Bill shares his recent experience aboard the Wilderness Discoverer with UnCruise in Alaska. As Bill and Captain Dan delve into their shared passion for travel, they explore the charm and ...

No Ordinary Adventure

No Ordinary Adventure by UnCruise Adventures

Through the Porthole with Bill Panoff

MAY 12, 202329 MIN
No Ordinary Adventure

Through the Porthole with Bill Panoff

MAY 12, 202329 MIN


Join Captain Dan Blanchard and Bill Panoff, a renowned travel expert and host of the Travel Series, Cruise and Travel. Bill, the publisher of Porthole Cruise and Travel Magazine and Chairman, brings  35 years of expertise in the cruise and travel industry to the conversation.

In this captivating episode, Bill shares his recent experience aboard the Wilderness Discoverer with UnCruise in Alaska. As Bill and Captain Dan delve into their shared passion for travel, they explore the charm and allure of smaller, more intimate ships that foster a sense of community among passengers. They discuss the joy of meeting new people from different walks of life, forging connections, and fostering a love for exploration. 

Whether you're a seasoned traveler or an aspiring adventurer, this conversation will inspire you to embark on your own extraordinary voyage.

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