Trapped on the 3rd Floor, Anna-Georgina meets a figure from the School's history while Billy tries to find her.
Featuring: Ambient music, Nana Plume's field notes, and an answer to who that voice was at the end of episode 4.1.
Content Notes Here.
Transcript Here. 
A Statement of Lavender Evening Fog's Values here.
Starting tomorrow, we are doing Teavent again! Follow us on Tumblr for a daily haiku based on a tea advent calendar.

Lavender Evening Fog: A Fiction Podcast

Haunted Carousel Productions

4.2 Classroom 2-B

NOV 30, 202316 MIN
Lavender Evening Fog: A Fiction Podcast

4.2 Classroom 2-B

NOV 30, 202316 MIN


Trapped on the 3rd Floor, Anna-Georgina meets a figure from the School's history while Billy tries to find her.


Featuring: Ambient music, Nana Plume's field notes, and an answer to who that voice was at the end of episode 4.1.


Content Notes Here.

Transcript Here. 

A Statement of Lavender Evening Fog's Values here.

Starting tomorrow, we are doing Teavent again! Follow us on Tumblr for a daily haiku based on a tea advent calendar.