[email protected] (Bleav + GIl & Gene)
Jennifer Oliver O’Connell and Lynn O’Connell were living in southern California and were hit hard by the Great Recession of 2007-2009. They had thought long and hard about relocating to a less expensive part of the United States. After doing extensive research, in 2023 they finally made the big move to a small town in Alabama: Muscle Shoals. It may be rural there but it is known around the world for the music made there. It is home to two famous recording studios and is known as “The Hit Recording Capital of the World.” Find out why the O’Connell’s left the glitz and glamor of southern Cal for the beautiful and friendly little town of Muscle Shoals, Alabama, on Episode 198 of Retire There with Gil & Gene.
Check out Jennifer’s inspiring website: AsTheGirlTurns.com.
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