<p>Christians throughout time have thought about where they worship in very diverse ways. Some place great emphasis in the physical beauty of a space, while others emphasize that God meets us wherever we are. Further, physical surroundings can be great distractions to transcendent things. August explores how has the Christian tradition wrestled with this tension and what we should do with it now.</p>
<p>Follow us on Instagram @cornellclaritas or visit our website cornellclaritas.com</p>


Claritas: A Journal of Christian Thought at Cornell

S4 E3 - How Great Is Thou's Art?

APR 24, 202438 MIN

S4 E3 - How Great Is Thou's Art?

APR 24, 202438 MIN


<p>Christians throughout time have thought about where they worship in very diverse ways. Some place great emphasis in the physical beauty of a space, while others emphasize that God meets us wherever we are. Further, physical surroundings can be great distractions to transcendent things. August explores how has the Christian tradition wrestled with this tension and what we should do with it now.</p> <p><br></p> <p>Follow us on Instagram @cornellclaritas or visit our website cornellclaritas.com</p>