Episode 8 - Laynie Luck

FEB 8, 202158 MIN
Canned Heat Podcast

Episode 8 - Laynie Luck

FEB 8, 202158 MIN


<p>Hello Planet Earth! &nbsp;Join me for Episode 8 as I discuss the week that was in wrestling. &nbsp;In addition to the weekly roundup I give you a few opinions on some storylines and general goings-on AND I bring you my conversation with THE TOO TURNT PARTY UNICORN - LAYNIE LUCK! As always, you can call in at (513) 580-7273.</p> <p><br></p> <p>Note: The interview was conducted via phone while both of us were trying to jam this in a couple of busy schedules - my producer Lucy Fishwall did her absolute best to bring you this interview uncut and as clear as possible. &nbsp;Cut her some slack as I keep her VERY busy with my shenanigans.</p> <p><br></p> <p>#wrestling #aew #aewdynamite #wwe #wweraw #wwesmackdown #wwenxt #impactwrestling #ringofhonor #podcast #royalrumble #zeloprowrestling #laynieluck</p> <p>www.cannedheatpodcast.com</p>