Welcome to Day 8 Queens. … Today we are focusing on the power of Decluttering our Space and our Minds. When you declutter your space, this can be done physically or by letting go of negative thoughts about people/things/situations etc. When you focus on decluttering your mind, this can be accomplished by meditation/reading/listening to music/spending time in nature/writing down thoughts in a journal, etc. I have already decluttered this one “closet”. I feel so much better and have reclaimed my space. Now, It’s your turn Queen!
Go ahead and jump into today's podcast. Make sure you listen to the end and then follow the instructions in the episode. Sending lots of love your way ~ Katia
Do you Need to Catch Up or Re-Listen to the Past Messages- Check out the Deets Below:
Welcome to Day 7 Queens. … Today we are focusing on reviewing the self-care habits and tools to complete them, try something new, gain additional insight etc. Remember, learn as much as you can about the topic, take what you need (to benefit yourself) and leave the rest.
Go ahead and jump into today's podcast. Make sure you listen to the end and then follow the instructions in the episode. Sending lots of love your way ~ Katia
Do you Need to Catch Up or Re-Listen to the Past Messages- Check out the Deets Below:
Today we are focusing on “Identifying & Removing Toxic People from Your Life & The Importance of Me Time”.
Negative and/or toxic people can make us feel bad about ourselves and/or our achievements. Nobody wants haters in their lives in such close proximity to us. When you're just trying to live your best life, they can be draining. Today, we're examining our closest friends to see if they bring positivity or negativity into our lives. Also, many times we are always focused on other people and, in many cases, are never alone. However, taking time for oneself, also known as "Me Time," can be a great source of individual power.
Go ahead and jump into today's podcast. Make sure you listen to the end and then follow the instructions in the episode. Sending lots of love your way ~ Katia
Do you Need to Catch Up or Re-Listen to the Past Messages- Check out the Deets Below: