0998 – The Diction-ary of Voice – T

SEP 24, 20236 MIN
Get A Better Broadcast, Podcast and Voice-Over Voice

0998 – The Diction-ary of Voice – T

SEP 24, 20236 MIN


<p><strong><u>2023.09.25 – 0998 – The Diction-ary of Voice – T</u></strong></p><br><p><strong><u>**T</u></strong></p><p><strong>Tag </strong>(or ‘<strong>slogan</strong>’) –<strong> </strong>the branding phrase at the end of a commercial </p><p><strong>Take </strong>(as in <strong>‘go for a take</strong>’)<strong> </strong>– a recording<strong>. </strong>Also see <strong>‘pickup’</strong></p><p><strong>Take a level </strong>(or ‘<strong>take a bit for level</strong>’)<strong> </strong>– the instruction given by an audio engineer to a presenter to ask them to say some words so the volume on a mic channel can be checked</p><p><strong>Talk back – </strong>the push-to-talk microphone in a gallery/production area, via which a director / producer will talk to you while in the studio.</p><p><strong>Tape</strong>&nbsp;- recorded audio, almost never on tape</p><p><strong>Tempo</strong> - the rate of speech</p><p><strong>Thin</strong> – a voice which is weak, with a lack of air, energy and resonance. It may be trained to become stronger and fuller with exercises in the areas of posture, relaxation and breath control</p><p><strong>Thoracic cavity </strong>- the area enclosed by the chest</p><p><strong>Throw </strong>– a passing link made from one presenter to another, <em>“And now with the latest weather here’s Susie Celsius”</em></p><p><strong>Throwaway </strong>(as in ‘<strong>a throwaway line/word’</strong>)<strong> </strong>– when a speaker gives little or no emphasis on a word or phrase, reducing its significance</p><p><strong>Tonal quality </strong>– the overall timb re, resonance of a voice</p><p><strong>Trachea </strong>– commonly called the ‘windpipe’, along which flows air from mouth to lungs</p><p><strong>Track </strong>– a layer of recorded audio (or an empty ‘lane’ where recorded audio will sit), which can be adjusted independently of other layers before being mixed (or merged) together in a final mix</p><p><strong>Transients</strong>&nbsp;- very short sounds, such as the beginning of a drum hit</p><p><strong>TX </strong>– used to mean ‘transmission’ </p><br><p><strong><u>**U</u></strong></p><p><strong>Unidirectional microphone – </strong>one that only picks up sound from a single direction</p><br /><hr><p style='color:grey; font-size:0.75em;'> Hosted on Acast. See <a style='color:grey;' target='_blank' rel='noopener noreferrer' href='https://acast.com/privacy'>acast.com/privacy</a> for more information.</p>