Have any questions, insights, or feedback? Send me a text!Length: 1 hour 37 minutesSynopsis: This morning's YBT Sunday shiur (11/3/24) was a bit different than usual, focusing more on reading and discussing sources than in-depth analysis. This was intentional, since this shiur was intended to be a setup for the REAL shiur. My original goal was to present Sforno’s view that the nachash in Gan Eden represents the yetzer ha’ra. However, I realized two preliminary issues needed to be addressed: (...

Machshavah Lab

Rabbi Matt Schneeweiss

Sforno on the Nachash: Apikorsus or Pshat? Part 1: Methodology and Premises

NOV 3, 202497 MIN
Machshavah Lab

Sforno on the Nachash: Apikorsus or Pshat? Part 1: Methodology and Premises

NOV 3, 202497 MIN


Have any questions, insights, or feedback? Send me a text!

Length: 1 hour 37 minutes
Synopsis: This morning's YBT Sunday shiur (11/3/24) was a bit different than usual, focusing more on reading and discussing sources than in-depth analysis. This was intentional, since this shiur was intended to be a setup for the REAL shiur. My original goal was to present Sforno’s view that the nachash in Gan Eden represents the yetzer ha’ra. However, I realized two preliminary issues needed to be addressed: (a) clarifying Sforno’s understanding of the tzelem elohim, and (b) addressing a shiur by my Rosh ha'Yeshiva, Rabbi Chait, who argues that allegorizing the nachash is an illegitimate, heretical, and dangerous approach. In this shiur, I aim to tackle both points, setting the stage (God willing) for Part 2, where we’ll explore Sforno’s view of the nachash in Gan Eden and the aftermath of the cheit.
Rabbi Israel Chait, "The Snake" (C107-108)
אברבנאל - הקדמה לבראשית פרק ב
אבן עזרא - פירוש א' בראשית ג:א; פירוש ב' בראשית ג:כא
רמב"ם - מורה הנבוכים ב:כט-ל
ספורנו - בראשית א:כו-כז; ב:ז-ט,טו
ספורנו - אור עמים טד:נ-נא
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