BRF 33: Number - The Fibonnaci Numbers, Pythagorean Cults, and a "Prime" Conspiracy

NOV 26, 202236 MIN
Barely Researched Facts

BRF 33: Number - The Fibonnaci Numbers, Pythagorean Cults, and a "Prime" Conspiracy

NOV 26, 202236 MIN


<p>This episode, we’ve chosen the word “Number”. Somehow, we’re back on the topic of cults - wait to find out how we’ve managed this. All we'll say is it has something to do with a right triangle, some misattributed discoveries (if you guessed Tesla, you’re wrong) and vegetarians who weren’t really vegetarians, which is a tale as old as time! We also obviously talk about the Fibonacci sequence, what it is, how it came to be and why the golden ratio might not be the all pervasive standard code for all of nature’s beauty.</p> <p>And finally, a prime conspiracy uncovered!</p> <p><strong>Barely Researched Facts is a facts-based show (barely) brought to you by ArtNowThus, a content and events company based in India. Born out of the infamous lockdown of 2020, the show is a trip down dissection lane – of words. Every episode, the hosts Ragini and Shar choose one word and deep dive into it. Every interesting fact we can find, we research – somewhat casually – and bring to you, pairing it with some good humour and casual chat between two friends.</strong></p>