The Purposeful Career Podcast
The Purposeful Career Podcast

The Purposeful Career Podcast

Carla Hudson



The Purposeful Career is the go-to podcast for mid career professionals in search of more. We help people looking to elevate or reinvent all or part of their work or life. And we do this by helping them think intentionally about what they want and the next level person they will need to become in order to have it. This is about deep mindset and self-image work that'll not only up-level your career, it'll completely transform your life. Join brand strategist and coach, Carla Hudson, as she shares strategies, tips and tools for helping you create an extraordinary career and life. 

Recent Episodes

Unlocking Mid-Career Fulfillment: Four Strategies for Finding Meaning and Joy in Your Professional Journey
MAY 12, 2024
Unlocking Mid-Career Fulfillment: Four Strategies for Finding Meaning and Joy in Your Professional Journey

Ever feel like you're trudging through your career, searching for that elusive spark? Join me as we tackle the mid-career quest for meaning, and discover how even the most mundane tasks can be transformed into fulfilling endeavors. Together, we'll unearth the strategies that can reignite passion in your professional life, ensuring a satisfying balance with your personal world. The key might just be a shift in perspective, and I'm here to guide you through it.

This episode is a treasure trove for leaders and team players alike, delving into the art of problem-solving and the joy of everyday leadership. We'll chat about the satisfaction that comes from strategic thinking and managing the finer details that keep our teams thriving. More importantly, I'll share how to weave personal significance into the fabric of our day-to-day work lives, blending career aspirations with family, hobbies, or passion projects to create a tapestry of fulfillment.

As we reflect on the impact of regret and the shadow it casts over our contentment, I offer ways to steer clear of the 'what-ifs' and focus on the paths we've chosen. We'll tackle how to set boundaries and combat imposter syndrome, essential tools for navigating the demanding mid-career stage. Join me on this journey as we explore how to remain inspired and intentional, and turn your mid-career into a beacon of purpose and joy.

If you're looking to move your career or life forward, join us in Next Level, my monthly membership where we deal with mindset mastery and action planning. Join the wait list at

39 MIN
5 Steps to Overcoming Personal and Professional Setbacks
MAY 5, 2024
5 Steps to Overcoming Personal and Professional Setbacks

Ever found yourself stuck in a rut, whether through a twist of fate or a series of questionable decisions? I'm Carla Hudson, and in my latest podcast episode, I draw from the deep wells of personal experience to guide you out of life's darkest holes. Prepare to climb out with me, as we navigate the treacherous terrains of financial mishaps, career nosedives, and health setbacks, embarking on a journey of self-recovery that's as meticulous as a climber's ascent to the summit.

This episode is a heartfelt conversation about the real struggles we all face, paired with the transformative steps necessary to emerge victorious. I delve into the importance of acknowledging where we stand, halting any harmful behaviors, and strategically planning our way out. Just like a mountaineer, we'll focus on preparation, agility, and determination. I open up about my own challenges, from the housing market crisis to professional dilemmas, to illuminate how visualizing your summit of success can be a beacon through the clouds of adversity.

Ending on an empowering note, I extend an invitation to join my virtual coaching program, Next Level. It's more than just overcoming current obstacles; it's about gearing up for the journey ahead. By transforming the lessons discussed into actionable stepping stones, we can ensure that your path leads to both a purposeful career and a fulfilling life. So, let's take these insights and make every week phenomenal together.

If you're looking to move your career or life forward, join us in Next Level, my monthly membership where we deal with mindset mastery and action planning. Join the wait list at

39 MIN
Breaking Free from the 'Shoulds': Aligning Actions with Authentic Goals
APR 28, 2024
Breaking Free from the 'Shoulds': Aligning Actions with Authentic Goals

Have you ever caught yourself trapped in a cycle of "shoulds," feeling chained to expectations that don't truly resonate with who you are or what you want? In this episode, we explore the importance of breaking free from this mindset and discover the keys to realigning our actions with our authentic goals. 

Through a candid conversation about personal experiences and the transformative story of a client who battled career setbacks, we unpack how this 'should' mentality often intensifies in midlife but can grip us at any age. We'll walk through practical steps to dismantle early programming that leaves us chasing shadows instead of embracing our own aspirations.

In our eye-opening discussion on self-reflection and personal growth, we dissect the illusion that staying put in a career equals adaptability and the hidden dangers of comfort zones. I'll guide you through the process of filtering out the deafening noise of societal expectations and tuning into your inner voice. Discover how to appreciate what's truly valuable in your professional journey and learn techniques like "thought downloads" to help identify genuine desires. Shed the weight of the 'shoulds' and step into a space where fulfillment and motivation meet, crafting a purposeful path that's uniquely yours. This episode isn't just about change; it's about transformation.

If you're looking to move your career or life forward, join us in Next Level, my monthly membership where we deal with mindset mastery and action planning. Join the wait list at

33 MIN
Charting a New Course: The Art of Mid-Career Reinvention
APR 21, 2024
Charting a New Course: The Art of Mid-Career Reinvention

Ever feel like you're standing at a crossroads in your career, unsure of which path to take next? You're not alone. Join me as we traverse the landscape of mid-career reinvention, where the real transformation isn't about a new job title, but about a seismic shift in self-perception. Throughout this episode, I share my own journey and the invaluable lessons learned from changing cities and jobs, revealing that the most profound consistency comes from within. We'll unravel the process of recognizing the need for change and how to tune in to that subtle inner voice nudging us toward a new horizon.

Embarking on the road to reinvention, we discuss the necessity of self-evaluation across six pivotal life domains. I guide you through a reflective process that begins with painting a vivid picture of your future self, free from the constraints of your inner critic. Together, we explore the essential groundwork for any noteworthy transformation—aligning your self-image with the future you desire. This identity work is far more than just navel-gazing; it's the cornerstone of your next chapter, one where you emerge as the protagonist in a life you've consciously authored.

As we close, I underscore the mindset shift required to make these dreams a reality. Change, especially in midlife, isn't just about wishful thinking—it requires belief, persistence, and the willingness to engage in micro actions. These incremental steps might seem small, but their compound effect can steer your life in an entirely new direction. So, if you're ready to untangle the complex knot of your current trajectory and chart a course toward a career and life you've always envisioned, this episode holds the map. Let's set the compass of our lives together, step by manageable step.

If you're looking to move your career or life forward, join us in Next Level, my monthly membership where we deal with mindset mastery and action planning. Join the wait list at

31 MIN
Breaking Free from Negative Thought Loops
APR 14, 2024
Breaking Free from Negative Thought Loops

When life throws a curveball, it's not the event itself that knocks us down, but the relentless negative thought loops that follow. I'm Carla Hudson, and I've battled through the grief of losing both my parents in quick succession. By sharing my personal journey and those of my coaching clients, this episode guides you through the murky waters of negativity bias and demonstrates how to reclaim the steering wheel of your mind.

We all face moments when fear and anxiety take the driver's seat, leading us down a path of panic and overwhelm. It's a cycle that's as common as it is crippling. 

But what if I told you that the key to breaking free lies within your own perceptions?

Throughout the episode, we dissect the way our perceptions shape our reality and explore strategies to shift our mindset from negative to neutral—or even positive. I open up about navigating my personal losses and how I chose gratitude over despair, providing a beacon of hope for anyone caught in the throes of sorrow.

Finally, we confront the dread of the coming day—a symptom of a mind caught in the clutches of negativity. This episode offers a lifeline, a reminder that it's never too late to hit the reset button on your thought patterns. For those who feel ensnared in the quicksand of their own thoughts, I extend an invitation: reach out for a one-on-one coaching session or join my virtual coaching program, Next Level. Together, we'll break the chains of negative thinking and lay the foundations for a life brimming with fulfillment and purpose.

If you're looking to move your career or life forward, join us in Next Level, my monthly membership where we deal with mindset mastery and action planning. Join the wait list at

41 MIN