All About Capital Campaigns: Nonprofits, Fundraising, Major Gifts, Toolkit
All About Capital Campaigns: Nonprofits, Fundraising, Major Gifts, Toolkit

All About Capital Campaigns: Nonprofits, Fundraising, Major Gifts, Toolkit

Capital Campaign Pro



All About Capital Campaigns is your weekly source for nonprofit fundraising advice. Each week hosts Andrea Kihlstedt and Amy Eisenstein, co-founders of Capital Campaign Pro ( and special guests, provide practical tips about raising more money for your nonprofit organization. Topics include capital campaigns, feasibility studies, working with your board, donors, major gifts, volunteers, and more. This is a great resource for nonprofit Executive Directors/CEOs, Development Directors, Board Members, or others looking to learn about nonprofit fundraising.

Recent Episodes

Unlocking the Secrets to Capital Campaign Success: A New Consulting Model for Nonprofits
MAY 14, 2024
Unlocking the Secrets to Capital Campaign Success: A New Consulting Model for Nonprofits

In this episode of "All About Capital Campaigns," join Amy Eisenstein and Andrea Kihlstedt as they reveal a groundbreaking approach to capital campaign consulting that empowers nonprofits to take control of their fundraising efforts. Discover the transformative formula that steers away from traditional, costly consulting methods, and instead, leverages technology and community to provide a scalable, more effective form of support.

Amy and Andrea dive deep into why traditional consulting often falls short, emphasizing how their method focuses on equipping organizations with the tools and knowledge they need to succeed independently. They detail their innovative online toolkit comprised of over 130 resources, designed to guide nonprofits through every phase of a campaign, from planning to execution.

The discussion also covers the benefits of peer support groups and group coaching, explaining how these forums offer a platform for shared learning and problem-solving, enhancing the collective experience. Andrea shares insights into the dynamic nature of these groups, highlighting how they foster a collaborative environment where participants learn not only from experts but from each other's experiences and challenges.

Moreover, the episode explores the pivotal role of technology in modernizing capital campaign strategies. Amy and Andrea discuss how digital tools have removed geographical and logistical barriers, enabling more frequent and cost-effective interactions that keep campaigns agile and responsive.

Listeners will also get a firsthand look at the enriched training programs that the duo offers, including solicitation training and board training, which are crucial for building confidence and competence among nonprofit teams.

The episode concludes with a call to action, inviting listeners to engage directly with Amy and Andrea through their website to explore how this innovative consulting model can be tailored to their organization's needs. Whether you're a seasoned nonprofit professional or new to the field of fundraising, this episode provides invaluable insights into making capital campaigns more accessible, less intimidating, and significantly more successful.

Tune in to "All About Capital Campaigns" for a detailed discussion that promises not only to enlighten but also to inspire your next fundraising venture.

22 MIN
Unlocking the Power of Donor-Advised Funds and Community Foundations
MAY 7, 2024
Unlocking the Power of Donor-Advised Funds and Community Foundations

In this episode of "All About Capital Campaigns," Andrea Kihlstedt, co-founder of Capital Campaign Pro, delves into the intriguing world of donor-advised funds and community foundations, breaking down their complexity and revealing how they can be a game-changer for your fundraising efforts.

With guest expert Laura Young, a former vice president at the Maine Community Foundation and a seasoned capital campaign consultant, this episode offers a rare insight into both the advantages and the subtleties of engaging with community foundations.

Laura shares her journey from consulting to managing philanthropic efforts and explains why donor-advised funds can be a smart choice for donors looking to make a significant impact while gaining tax advantages. The discussion also covers practical tips for development directors on how to navigate and leverage relationships with community foundations to support their organizations' goals.

This episode is packed with actionable advice, including how to:

  • Approach community foundations and integrate their focus areas with your organization's mission.
  • Use donor-advised funds to streamline giving and engage younger generations in philanthropy.
  • Build and maintain strong relationships with donors who contribute through community foundations.

Whether you're a nonprofit leader, a development professional, or simply interested in the mechanics of philanthropic giving, this episode provides valuable insights into making the most of community foundations and donor-advised funds.

Tune in to learn how these vehicles can provide strategic advantages to your fundraising efforts and help you connect more deeply with your donors.

29 MIN
Finding Lead Donors for Your Capital Campaign: Essential Strategies and Tools
APR 16, 2024
Finding Lead Donors for Your Capital Campaign: Essential Strategies and Tools

In this episode of "All About Capital Campaigns," hosts Andrea Kihlstedt and Amy Eisenstein tackle one of the most challenging aspects of capital campaigning: identifying and securing lead donors. If your nonprofit is grappling with a shortage of lead donors or struggling to predict where significant campaign contributions will come from, this episode is a must-listen.

Andrea Kihlstedt sets the stage by explaining the importance of the gift range chart and the depth chart—two critical tools in capital campaign planning. She details how these tools help organizations strategize the number and size of donations needed to meet campaign goals, and more importantly, how they guide the identification of potential lead donors.

Amy Eisenstein simplifies these concepts further, discussing how different types of organizations might adjust their gift charts based on their donor base. She uses relatable examples, like comparing donor bases of an animal shelter versus an independent school, to illustrate how these charts are modified.

The conversation also covers the real-world challenges nonprofits face in filling the top tiers of their gift range charts. Amy and Andrea discuss strategies for engaging potential donors who may not initially seem capable of making top-tier donations but can become key contributors through strategic cultivation and multiple gift requests.

Listeners will gain insight into the practical use of the depth chart, learning how to populate it with names against each gift level and how it serves as a dynamic tool guiding donor engagement throughout the campaign.

This episode is packed with actionable advice, including how to:

  • Use gift range and depth charts to strategically plan your capital campaign.
  • Identify and engage potential lead donors based on their capacity and relationship with your organization.
  • Adjust your fundraising strategies according to the breadth and depth of your donor base.

For more resources, visit our website at where you can access tools like our readiness assessment to help determine if your organization is prepared for a capital campaign.

Whether you are a seasoned fundraiser or new to the field, understanding these fundamental aspects of campaign planning will enhance your ability to secure the vital lead gifts that drive campaign success. Tune in to empower your fundraising team with the knowledge and tools necessary to transform your campaign's potential into reality.

To see if your organization is truly ready for a capital campaign, download this free Readiness Assessment - This guide will help you evaluate six aspects of your organization, including the board and your case for support.

20 MIN