2. Love Languages & Attachment Styles, From Femme to Baby Stud, Astrology, Queer Dating.
APR 11, 2021140 MIN
2. Love Languages & Attachment Styles, From Femme to Baby Stud, Astrology, Queer Dating.
APR 11, 2021140 MIN
<p>Hey beautiful people!</p>
<p>I’m back with another episode!</p>
<p>On this day I spoke with Timeka, and we spoke about everything from love languages and astrology to gender identity and transitioning from being femme presenting to a “baby stud”.</p>
<p>I hope you love the episode and if you did let me know!</p>
<p>Timeka's Social:</p>
<p>Instagram: tmktimeka</p>
<p>Youtube: tmktimeka</p>
<p>Tik Tok: Timktimeks</p>
<p>My Socials:</p>
<p>Instagram: renbreauxstyles</p>
<p>Twitter: renbreaux </p>