Pastors Bryan Wolfmueller and Andrew Packer answer your theological and Biblical questions. In this episode we take up questions about: 
* Who can absolve? 
* How does a Lutheran give their testimony? 
Click here for the Absolution Anthology:
(Free PDF download.)
Submit your questions here: 
Also, don’t forget to sign up for the free weekly email, Wednesday What-Not, 
Pastor Wolfmueller serves St Paul and Jesus Deaf Lutheran Churches in Austin, TX. 
Pastor Packer serves Good Shepherd Lutheran Church in Collinsville, IL.
Upcoming events: 

What-Not: The Podcast

What-Not, The Podcast

QnA: Who can absolve? How does a Lutheran give their testimony?

SEP 27, 202428 MIN
What-Not: The Podcast

QnA: Who can absolve? How does a Lutheran give their testimony?

SEP 27, 202428 MIN


Pastors Bryan Wolfmueller and Andrew Packer answer your theological and Biblical questions. In this episode we take up questions about: 

* Who can absolve?

* How does a Lutheran give their testimony?

Click here for the Absolution Anthology:

(Free PDF download.)

Submit your questions here:


Also, don’t forget to sign up for the free weekly email, Wednesday What-Not, 


Pastor Wolfmueller serves St Paul and Jesus Deaf Lutheran Churches in Austin, TX. 

Pastor Packer serves Good Shepherd Lutheran Church in Collinsville, IL.


Upcoming events: