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In this episode of Barrel Aged Flicks, the hosts discuss the film &#39;The Hurt Locker&#39; with special guest Josh, a retired Army veteran. They explore the film&#39;s portrayal of EOD (Explosive Ordnance Disposal) operations, comparing it to real-life experiences and other war films like &#39;Black Hawk Down.&#39; The conversation delves into inaccuracies in the film, personal anecdotes from military service, and the impact of war on soldiers. The hosts also share their thoughts on the drinks they enjoy while recording the podcast, including a bourbon tasting. In this conversation, the speakers delve into the portrayal of military life in films, particularly focusing on &#39;The Hurt Locker.&#39; They discuss the inaccuracies of Hollywood representations, the realities of wearing a bomb suit, and the dynamics within the Explosive Ordnance Disposal (EOD) community. The conversation also touches on the emotional struggles faced by soldiers returning from war, the impact of guilt, and the importance of camaraderie among service members. Ultimately, they critique the film&#39;s narrative and its implications on public perception of military experiences.

Check out Barrel Aged Flicks on social media:
 • Twitter: @Ron_Barrelaged
 • Facebook: Barrel Aged Flicks Podcast
 • Instagram: @barrelagedflickspodcast

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“Hey everyone! We pour our hearts into this show and bring it to you completely free. If you’d like to support what we do, consider visiting our Patreon and making a donation. Every bit helps us keep the show going strong!

👉   / barrelagedflickspodcast  

Thank you for being part of our journey!”</p>

Barrel Aged Flicks Podcast

Ron, Gute, Stew, Chase, Adam and Ragnar

(Ep. 232) The Hurt Locker - hosted by Special Guest Josh -Retired Army EOD

JAN 16, 2025138 MIN
Barrel Aged Flicks Podcast

(Ep. 232) The Hurt Locker - hosted by Special Guest Josh -Retired Army EOD

JAN 16, 2025138 MIN


<p><a href="https://www.youtube.com/hashtag/moviereview">#moviereview</a> <a href="https://www.youtube.com/hashtag/jeremyrenner">#jeremyrenner</a> <a href="https://www.youtube.com/hashtag/thehurtlocker">#thehurtlocker</a> <a href="https://www.youtube.com/hashtag/army">#army</a> In this episode of Barrel Aged Flicks, the hosts discuss the film &#39;The Hurt Locker&#39; with special guest Josh, a retired Army veteran. They explore the film&#39;s portrayal of EOD (Explosive Ordnance Disposal) operations, comparing it to real-life experiences and other war films like &#39;Black Hawk Down.&#39; The conversation delves into inaccuracies in the film, personal anecdotes from military service, and the impact of war on soldiers. The hosts also share their thoughts on the drinks they enjoy while recording the podcast, including a bourbon tasting. In this conversation, the speakers delve into the portrayal of military life in films, particularly focusing on &#39;The Hurt Locker.&#39; They discuss the inaccuracies of Hollywood representations, the realities of wearing a bomb suit, and the dynamics within the Explosive Ordnance Disposal (EOD) community. The conversation also touches on the emotional struggles faced by soldiers returning from war, the impact of guilt, and the importance of camaraderie among service members. Ultimately, they critique the film&#39;s narrative and its implications on public perception of military experiences. Check out Barrel Aged Flicks on social media: • Twitter: @Ron_Barrelaged • Facebook: Barrel Aged Flicks Podcast • Instagram: @barrelagedflickspodcast Get 10% off your entire order at <a href="https://www.youtube.com/redirect?event=video_description&redir_token=QUFFLUhqblRubFhpdjlzVHJwZ0U2d3ZzdzNYNXdCZlg0d3xBQ3Jtc0ttaldISVF0SVlYaUhpSFc1MVN0SGUtdWpPdC1wRDdsNHlTaHg4UnptMF9CQmZERkpHZG9wOWdvSl9zdjNSNVRuM0FablR3djhIZFBabmowdHpzNmxLQ1Q3REVkU29CZndZVW90TkJyVE8wS1Y1NlU1RQ&q=https%3A%2F%2Fcoffeebros.com%2F&v=iwbBn2ASPcQ" target="_blank" rel="nofollow">https://coffeebros.com</a> with the code BAF10! “Hey everyone! We pour our hearts into this show and bring it to you completely free. If you’d like to support what we do, consider visiting our Patreon and making a donation. Every bit helps us keep the show going strong! 👉 / barrelagedflickspodcast Thank you for being part of our journey!”</p>