In the realm of "Food for Thought," hosted by Mel and Pippa of EarthRights, the series explores environmental justice, human rights, and sustainability through food. Mel's transformative experience in the Brecon Beacons in the forst and Pippa's at a farm in Montenegro reignite their connection with Earth, inspiring them to delve into the complexities of the current food system. Focusing on everyday practices rather than global politics, the series delves into themes like food sovereignty...


The human rights and environmental podcast, hosted by Melanie Désert and Pippa Neill

S5 Intro: Food for thought

OCT 11, 20233 MIN

S5 Intro: Food for thought

OCT 11, 20233 MIN


In the realm of "Food for Thought," hosted by Mel and Pippa of EarthRights, the series explores environmental justice, human rights, and sustainability through food. 

Mel's transformative experience in the Brecon Beacons in the forst and Pippa's at a farm in Montenegro reignite their connection with Earth, inspiring them to delve into the complexities of the current food system. Focusing on everyday practices rather than global politics, the series delves into themes like food sovereignty, urban farming, and land rights, featuring discussions with experts like Nick Hayes. Addressing challenges such as land privatisation and seed concentration, the podcast empowers listeners to confront unjust global food systems with managable steps and actions. Join the journey toward sustainability, human rights, and environmental justice in every bite! 

Stay tuned for more 'food for thought'.