Can you recognize the voice of God? When God calls you, will you be available?
Let's review the bot Samuel first message he heard from God in 1 Samuel Chapter 3.
Focus on 3:10- ' And the Lord came and called as before, 'Samuel! Samuel!". And Samuel replied, " Speak, your servant is listening."
Listen to the story. Place yourself in this scenario. 
What do you see? What do you hear? Are you available?

wRightWay Living

Martha Wright

When God Calls, Be Available

JAN 6, 202426 MIN
wRightWay Living

When God Calls, Be Available

JAN 6, 202426 MIN


Can you recognize the voice of God? When God calls you, will you be available? Let's review the bot Samuel first message he heard from God in 1 Samuel Chapter 3. Focus on 3:10- ' And the Lord came and called as before, 'Samuel! Samuel!". And Samuel replied, " Speak, your servant is listening." Listen to the story. Place yourself in this scenario. What do you see? What do you hear? Are you available?