EP204 Beyond PCAST: Phil Venables on the Future of Resilience and Leading Indicators
DEC 23, 202430 MIN
EP204 Beyond PCAST: Phil Venables on the Future of Resilience and Leading Indicators
DEC 23, 202430 MIN
Phil Venables, Vice President, Chief Information Security Officer (CISO) @ Google Cloud
Why is our industry suddenly obsessed with resilience? Is this ransomware’s doing?
How did the PCAST report come to be? Can you share the backstory and how it was created?
The PCAST report emphasizes the importance of leading indicators for security and resilience. How can organizations effectively shift their focus from lagging indicators to these leading indicators?
The report also emphasizes the importance of "Cyber-Physical Modularity" - this sounds mysterious to us, and probably our listeners! What is it and how does this concept contribute to enhancing the resilience of critical infrastructure?
The report advocates for regular and rigorous stress testing. How can organizations effectively implement such stress testing to identify vulnerabilities and improve their resilience?
In your opinion, what are the most critical takeaways from our PCAST-related paper for organizations looking to improve their security and resilience posture today?
What are some of the challenges organizations might face when implementing the PCAST recommendations, and how can they overcome these challenges?
Do organizations get resilience benefits “for free” by using Google Cloud?